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4 HAIL REPORTS in 2021
1.75 LARGEST HAIL in 2021
2HAIL RISK SCORESelden, Kansas

All Hail Reports near Selden, Kansas in 2021

Selden 2021 Hail Summary

Selden, Kansas (population: 219) had 4 hail reports within 10 miles of the city center located at (39.54084, -100.56764) in 2021. The largest report of hail in 2021 near Selden was 1.75 inches about 2 years ago. The zipcode with the highest number of damaging hail reports near Selden in 2021 is 67757, with 3 reports.

When is the last time it hailed near Selden, Kansas?

The last time that hail was reported near Selden was about 7 months ago on 09/18/2023.
Click here to view all hail reports near Selden on 09/18/2023.

Years where hail was reported near Selden, Kansas

A few other cities and towns near Selden that may also have damaging hail reports:


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Click here to view all hail reports near Selden, Kansas in 2021.


Click here to view all wind reports near Selden, Kansas in 2021.


Click here to view all tornado reports near Selden, Kansas in 2021.

08/07/2021 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 08/07/2021 6:15 P 1.50 inches rexford sheridan KS
caller reported hail up to ping pong ball size that has fell for a duration of 30 minutes as of 545 pm mt. (gld)
Details 08/07/2021 6:53 P 1.00 inches selden sheridan KS
Details 08/07/2021 7:12 P 1.75 inches selden decatur KS
report of a residents neighbor getting small hen egg size hail that covered the ground. time based off of radar. (gld)

05/24/2021 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 05/24/2021 6:18 P 1.75 inches selden decatur KS
public reported golf ball size hail. (gld)

08/07/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/07/2021 7:12 P 60 mph 7 wnw selden decatur KS
estimated 50-60mph. time estimated off of radar. (gld)

06/25/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/25/2021 8:04 P 67 mph 5 s selden sheridan KS

05/02/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
05/02/2021 8:34 P 66 mph 5 s selden sheridan KS
delayed report via weather underground. mesonet 5 s seldan measured a thunderstorm wind gust of 66 mph. (gld)

05/24/2021 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
05/24/2021 6:45 P selden sheridan KS
emergency manager reporting buildings and trees down... homes damaged... an overturned semi... and 1 possibly injury due to tornado. (gld)

05/24/2021 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
05/24/2021 6:36 P 2 ne selden sheridan KS
selden... ks tornado ended here at this time. ef1 with winds of 110 mph. tornado traveled around 6 miles and lasted around 30 minutes. multiple vortex tornado at times. (gld)

05/24/2021 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
05/24/2021 6:26 P selden sheridan KS
spotter reports large multi vortex tornado with lots of damage in seldon. train is overturned and silos are detroyed. (gld)
05/24/2021 6:26 P selden sheridan KS
corrects previous tornado report from selden. emergency manager reporting buildings and trees down... homes damaged... an overturned semi... and 1 possibly injury due t (gld)
05/24/2021 6:26 P selden sheridan KS
*** 1 inj *** updated information to report. emergency manager reporting buildings... power lines and trees down... homes damaged... an overturned semi... 1 possible in (gld)
05/24/2021 6:26 P selden sheridan KS
corrects previous tornado report from selden. emergency manager reporting buildings... power lines and trees down... homes damaged... an overturned semi... and gas leak (gld)

05/24/2021 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
05/24/2021 6:24 P selden sheridan KS
*** 1 inj *** selden... ks tornado struck the town around this time. confirmed by nws damage assessment team. (gld)

05/24/2021 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
05/24/2021 6:07 P 5 ne rexford sheridan KS
confirmed tornado on the ground moving eastward reported by spotter. (gld)

05/24/2021 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
05/24/2021 6:06 P 4 w selden sheridan KS
selden... ks ef-1 tornado began here at this time. (gld)

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Last Updated {ts '2024-04-29 15:00:18'}