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4 HAIL REPORTS in 2023
1.25 LARGEST HAIL in 2023
5HAIL RISK SCOREJenks, Oklahoma

All Hail Reports near Jenks, Oklahoma in 2023

Jenks 2023 Hail Summary

Jenks, Oklahoma (population: 16924) had 4 hail reports within 10 miles of the city center located at (36.02287, -95.96833) in 2023. The largest report of hail in 2023 near Jenks was 1.25 inches about 6 months ago. The zipcode with the highest number of damaging hail reports near Jenks in 2023 is 74008, with 2 reports.

When is the last time it hailed near Jenks, Oklahoma?

The last time that hail was reported near Jenks was about 6 months ago on 10/04/2023.
Click here to view all hail reports near Jenks on 10/04/2023.

Years where hail was reported near Jenks, Oklahoma

A few other cities and towns near Jenks that may also have damaging hail reports:


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Click here to view all hail reports near Jenks, Oklahoma in 2023.


Click here to view all wind reports near Jenks, Oklahoma in 2023.


Click here to view all tornado reports near Jenks, Oklahoma in 2023.

10/04/2023 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 10/04/2023 5:34 P 1.00 inches bixby tulsa OK
Details 10/04/2023 5:34 P 1.00 inches bixby tulsa OK
Details 10/04/2023 5:41 P 1.25 inches glenpool tulsa OK

06/06/2023 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 06/06/2023 7:34 P 1.00 inches tulsa tulsa OK
report from mping: quarter (1.00 in.). (tsa)

10/04/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
10/04/2023 7:07 P 3 ne jenks tulsa OK
multiple tree limbs broken. (tsa)
10/04/2023 7:07 P 3 ne jenks tulsa OK
multiple tree limbs broken. (tsa)

10/04/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
10/04/2023 7:05 P 2 ssw tulsa tulsa OK
social media report of large tree limbs... 4 to 6 inches in diameter... broken and damaged by strong thunderstorm winds. (tsa)
10/04/2023 7:05 P 2 ssw tulsa tulsa OK
corrects previous tstm wnd dmg report from 2 ssw tulsa. social media report of large tree limbs... 6 to 8 inches in diameter... broken and damaged by strong thunderstor (tsa)
10/04/2023 7:05 P 4 sw tulsa tulsa OK
multiple large tree limbs broken or damaged. time estimated by radar. (tsa)
10/04/2023 7:05 P 4 sw tulsa tulsa OK
multiple large tree limbs broken or damaged. time estimated by radar. (tsa)

10/04/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
10/04/2023 5:45 P 2 sw broken arrow tulsa OK
large tree limb... up to 6 inches in diameter... broken near 91st and aspen. (tsa)
10/04/2023 5:45 P 2 sw broken arrow tulsa OK
large tree limb... up to 6 inches in diameter... broken near 91st and aspen. (tsa)
10/04/2023 5:45 P 1 wsw broken arrow tulsa OK
privacy fence damaged near 81st and 145th in broken arrow. time estimated by radar. (tsa)
10/04/2023 5:45 P 1 wsw broken arrow tulsa OK
privacy fence damaged near 81st and 145th in broken arrow. time estimated by radar. (tsa)
10/04/2023 5:45 P 2 sw broken arrow tulsa OK
corrects previous tstm wnd dmg report from 2 sw broken arrow. large tree limb downed onto a house near 88th and 145th in broken arrow. social media report relayed by br (tsa)

08/14/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/14/2023 12:09 A 3 sw tulsa tulsa OK
power line down. (tsa)

08/05/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/05/2023 7:44 A 3 sw tulsa tulsa OK
broadcast media reports tree uprooted... pics relayed via social media. time estimated from radar. (tsa)
08/05/2023 7:44 A 3 sw tulsa tulsa OK
broadcast media reports tree uprooted... pics relayed via social media. time estimated from radar. (tsa)

07/14/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/14/2023 8:05 P jenks tulsa OK
two large trees down in jenks blocking both lanes of s florence at 116th st. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:23 P 3 s broken arrow tulsa OK
press box destroyed at broken arrow freshman academy football field. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:14 P 3 s tulsa tulsa OK
large tree down near i-44 and yale. time estimated by radar. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:50 A 77 mph tulsa tulsa OK
tulsa international airport. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:40 A 74 mph 1 e tulsa tulsa OK
corrects previous tstm wnd gst report from 1 e tulsa. power flashes... power outage.. tree limbs down. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:35 A 3 w tulsa tulsa OK
report from mping: trees uprooted or snapped; roof blown off. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:30 A 77 mph tulsa tulsa OK
corrects time of previous tstm wnd gst report from tulsa. tulsa international airport. (tsa)
06/18/2023 12:30 A tulsa tulsa OK
roofs blown off buildings at industrial park near 129th and admiral. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:27 A 100 mph tulsa tulsa OK
reported near 31st and peoria. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:25 A 2 ene tulsa tulsa OK
broadcast media relayed report and video showing structural damage to the wall of the historic rose bowl in tulsa. time estimated by radar. (tsa)
06/18/2023 12:25 A 1 ene tulsa tulsa OK
social media report with picture of structural damage to ornamental cinder block knocked down by strong thunderstorm winds. time estimated from radar. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:22 A 3 nw broken arrow tulsa OK
part of roof blown off a building. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:21 A 2 s broken arrow tulsa OK
report of tree limbs down and damaged. power lines also damaged. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:20 A tulsa tulsa OK
trees and power lines down near 41st and yale. (tsa)
06/18/2023 12:20 A 4 wnw tulsa tulsa OK
broadcast media relayed video showing moment powerful thunderstorm winds blew out glass window and door entryway to the performing arts center in downtown tulsa. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:18 A tulsa tulsa OK
large tree down 15th and peoria. (tsa)
06/18/2023 12:18 A 1 ese tulsa tulsa OK
report of multiple trees... up to 3 inches in diameter damaged... along with extensive tree branches damaged. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:17 A 3 sse tulsa tulsa OK
large trees down near 51st and sheridan. time estimated by radar. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:16 A 1 e glenpool tulsa OK
report of multiple trees and tree limbs damaged... up to 3 inches in diameter. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:15 A 5 ene jenks tulsa OK
numerous 1-3 inch limbs down. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:13 A jenks tulsa OK
jenks riverside airport. (tsa)
06/18/2023 12:13 A 3 wnw bixby tulsa OK
report of trees damaged and a few shingles blown off roofs northwest of bixby. (tsa)
06/18/2023 12:13 A 3 wsw tulsa tulsa OK
corrects time (estimated by radar). polycarbonate roof on pergola torn loose. large branches broken off trees. (tsa)
06/18/2023 12:13 A 2 wnw tulsa tulsa OK
large tree down near south columbus ave and e 13 st in tulsa. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:12 A 2 s gray tulsa OK
report of multiple tree limbs broken. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:11 A 3 ssw tulsa tulsa OK
lots of trees damaged in southwest tulsa... also power poles damaged. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:10 A 4 sw tulsa tulsa OK
report of multiple trees damaged and tree limbs broken in southwest tulsa. (tsa)
06/18/2023 12:10 A 4 wnw tulsa tulsa OK
report of multiple trees and power poles damaged in west tulsa. (tsa)
06/18/2023 12:10 A 3 ne jenks tulsa OK
tree damaged reported southwest of jenks from strong thunderstorm winds. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:08 A 2 sw jenks tulsa OK
corrects time (estimated by radar). (tsa)
06/18/2023 12:08 A 2 sw jenks tulsa OK
tree damage. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:06 A 3 e sapulpa creek OK
several large tree limbs (3-4 inch) down in neighborhood; time estimated by radar. (tsa)
06/18/2023 12:06 A 3 wnw tulsa tulsa OK
report of multiple trees damaged and tree limbs broken. (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:05 A 4 n sapulpa creek OK
large tree down. (tsa)
06/18/2023 12:05 A 5 ssw gray creek OK
6 large trees down... 3 on a home... (tsa)

06/18/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/18/2023 12:00 A 2 sw jenks tulsa OK
tree damage. (tsa)
06/18/2023 12:00 A 3 wsw tulsa tulsa OK
polycarbonate roof on pergola torn loose. large branches broken off trees. (tsa)

06/17/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/17/2023 12:40 P 74 mph 1 e tulsa tulsa OK
power flashes... power outage.. tree limbs down. (tsa)

06/14/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/14/2023 2:28 A 4 ese tulsa tulsa OK
several large tree limbs down... 3-6 inch diameter... along 41st street east of u.s. 169. time estimated from radar. (tsa)

06/06/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/06/2023 6:30 P 1 nne jenks tulsa OK
large tree branches and small trees down along riverside south of 81st. (tsa)
06/06/2023 6:30 P 1 ene jenks tulsa OK
twitter photo of tree damage near 91st and delaware in south tulsa/jenks area...time estimated by radar. (tsa)
06/06/2023 6:30 P 2 nne jenks tulsa OK
twitter photos of tree damage at the citiplex towers near 81st and lewis in tulsa...time estimated by radar. (tsa)

06/03/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/03/2023 5:32 P 2 wnw broken arrow tulsa OK
minor damage to car wash. several large tree limbs down in that general area. (tsa)

05/09/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
05/09/2023 8:04 P 59 mph tulsa tulsa OK
measured at tulsa int'l airport. (tsa)
2023 TORNADO REPORTS NEAR JENKS, OKLAHOMA No Reports of tornado activity found within 10 miles of Jenks, Oklahoma in 2023

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Last Updated {ts '2024-04-27 19:06:08'}