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3 HAIL REPORTS in 2016
1.00 LARGEST HAIL in 2016
2HAIL RISK SCOREChicago, Illinois

All Hail Reports near Chicago, Illinois in 2016

Chicago 2016 Hail Summary

Chicago, Illinois (population: 2695598) had 3 hail reports within 10 miles of the city center located at (41.85003, -87.65005) in 2016. The largest report of hail in 2016 near Chicago was 1.00 inches about 7 years ago. The zipcode with the highest number of damaging hail reports near Chicago in 2016 is 60613, with 1 reports.

When is the last time it hailed near Chicago, Illinois?

The last time that hail was reported near Chicago was about a month ago on 02/27/2024.
Click here to view all hail reports near Chicago on 02/27/2024.

Years where hail was reported near Chicago, Illinois

A few other cities and towns near Chicago that may also have damaging hail reports:


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Click here to view all hail reports near Chicago, Illinois in 2016.


Click here to view all wind reports near Chicago, Illinois in 2016.


Click here to view all tornado reports near Chicago, Illinois in 2016.

07/24/2016 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 07/24/2016 6:38 P 1.00 inches chicago cook IL
quarter size hail near buena park. (lot)

04/25/2016 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 04/25/2016 9:40 P 1.00 inches chicago cook IL
via facebook. nearest intersection irving park and pulaski. (lot)
Details 04/25/2016 9:45 P 1.00 inches chicago cook IL
in lincoln park. (lot)

08/12/2016 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/12/2016 11:26 A 64 mph 4 ne chicago lmz741 IL
wind gusts greater than 40kt from 1126 to 1130cdt. peak gust of 56kt at 1128 cdt. (lot)

07/24/2016 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/24/2016 6:45 P 2 sse chicago cook IL
tree blown down and several tree limbs blown down. from twitter. (lot)

07/24/2016 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/24/2016 6:44 P 58 mph 4 ne chicago lmz741 IL
gust to 58 mph at harrison dever crib. (lot)
07/24/2016 6:44 P 73 mph 1 sse chicago cook IL
at michigan and roosevelt in the south loop (lot)
07/24/2016 6:44 P chicago cook IL
multiple street lights damaged. radar estimated time. (lot)

07/24/2016 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/24/2016 6:40 P 3 nnw chicago cook IL
wires downed onto l brown line. radar estimated time. (lot)
07/24/2016 6:40 P 1 w chicago cook IL
delayed report. racine blue line station canopy collapsed due to wind...with the structure falling onto the third rail apparently causing the sparking and explosions se (lot)

07/24/2016 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/24/2016 6:29 P humboldt park cook IL
numerous large branches down. estimated time per radar. (lot)

07/06/2016 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/06/2016 3:06 A 58 mph 4 ne chicago lmz741 IL
measured gust to 58 mph at harrison dever crib. (lot)

06/22/2016 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/22/2016 8:35 P chicago cook IL
32 reports of tree limbs down across the city of chicago. time estimated. (lot)

05/31/2016 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
05/31/2016 3:07 A forest park cook IL
numerous trees down across forest park and oak park. (lot)

08/09/2016 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
08/09/2016 3:48 P 3 e berwyn cook IL
faa contract observer for midway airport spotted a landspout tornado that had formed on the lake breeze. the tornado dissipated at 358 pm cdt. location is approximate b (lot)
08/09/2016 3:48 P 2 ese cicero cook IL
faa contract observer for midway airport spotted a landspout tornado that had formed on the lake breeze. the tornado dissipated at 358 pm cdt. location is approximate b (lot)

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Last Updated {ts '2024-04-26 06:01:28'}