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4 HAIL REPORTS in 2023
1.50 LARGEST HAIL in 2023
2HAIL RISK SCOREWhiteland, Indiana

All Hail Reports near Whiteland, Indiana in 2023

Whiteland 2023 Hail Summary

Whiteland, Indiana (population: 4169) had 4 hail reports within 10 miles of the city center located at (39.55005, -86.07971) in 2023. The largest report of hail in 2023 near Whiteland was 1.50 inches about 10 months ago. The zipcode with the highest number of damaging hail reports near Whiteland in 2023 is 46143, with 1 reports.

When is the last time it hailed near Whiteland, Indiana?

The last time that hail was reported near Whiteland was about 10 months ago on 06/25/2023.
Click here to view all hail reports near Whiteland on 06/25/2023.

Years where hail was reported near Whiteland, Indiana

A few other cities and towns near Whiteland that may also have damaging hail reports:


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Click here to view all hail reports near Whiteland, Indiana in 2023.


Click here to view all wind reports near Whiteland, Indiana in 2023.


Click here to view all tornado reports near Whiteland, Indiana in 2023.

06/25/2023 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 06/25/2023 3:27 P 1.50 inches indianapolis marion IN
Details 06/25/2023 3:22 P 1.25 inches whiteland johnson IN
report from mping: half dollar (1.25 in.). (ind)
Details 06/25/2023 3:31 P 1.00 inches indianapolis marion IN
report from mping: quarter (1.00 in.). (ind)
Details 06/25/2023 3:20 P 1.50 inches greenwood johnson IN
time estimated from radar. (ind)

08/12/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/12/2023 7:40 A 3 wsw bargersville johnson IN
large portion of a tree mostly snapped off. small to medium size branches of two other trees partially and completely snapped off. a portion of a soy bean crop was part (ind)

06/29/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/29/2023 3:00 P 4 w greenwood johnson IN
numerous large branches down. time estimated from radar. (ind)

06/29/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/29/2023 2:54 P bargersville johnson IN
large tree downed in bargersville... power lines down with it. (ind)

06/25/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/25/2023 3:15 P 4 ene waverly johnson IN
multiple public reports of damage to structures and heavily damaged roofs off stones crossing road in the kensington grove neighborhood. time estimated via radar. *tor (ind)
06/25/2023 3:15 P 4 nnw bargersville johnson IN
photos of trees down and roof damage to homes in neighborhood south of center grove hs near intersection of morgantown and travis rds. time estimated via radar. *tor po (ind)
06/25/2023 3:15 P 4 nnw bargersville johnson IN
delayed report via social media. damage reported to homes in the waters edge subdivision. time estimated via radar. *tor possible*. (ind)

03/31/2023 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
03/31/2023 10:33 P 1 sse whiteland johnson IN
thunderstorm winds consistent with probable tornado destroyed multiple homes on both sides of us highway 31 with warehouse damage. time estimated. (ind)

06/25/2023 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
06/25/2023 3:33 P 2 n new whiteland johnson IN
multiple pictures from the public of a possible tornado near highway 31 and worthsville road. (ind)

06/25/2023 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
06/25/2023 3:20 P 3 wnw new whiteland johnson IN
multiple videos sent in on social media of a tornado on the ground near stones crossing road and state road 135. time estimated via radar. (ind)

06/25/2023 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
06/25/2023 3:13 P 3 ene waverly johnson IN
nws survey found an ef2 tornado with max wind speed of 115 mph and path length of 5.4 miles and max width up to 400 yards began at this location. (ind)

06/25/2023 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
06/25/2023 3:10 P 2 ene waverly johnson IN
multiple videos on social media of a tornado on the ground at the intersection of i-69 and sr-144. (ind)

03/31/2023 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
03/31/2023 10:33 P 1 sw whiteland johnson IN
3.5 mile long tornado tracked through southern portions of whiteland ending near i-65 east of whiteland. maximum width along path was 316 yards. (ind)

03/31/2023 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
03/31/2023 10:27 P 2 ssw bargersville johnson IN
tornado began near the town of providence... ending se of bargersville for a total length of 1.93 miles. maximum width along path was 25 yards. (ind)

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Last Updated {ts '2024-04-29 05:49:05'}