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38 HAIL REPORTS in 2012
4.25 LARGEST HAIL in 2012
5HAIL RISK SCOREWarr Acres, Oklahoma

All Hail Reports near Warr Acres, Oklahoma in 2012

Warr Acres 2012 Hail Summary

Warr Acres, Oklahoma (population: 10043) had 38 hail reports within 10 miles of the city center located at (35.52256, -97.61893) in 2012. The largest report of hail in 2012 near Warr Acres was 4.25 inches about 11 years ago. The zipcode with the highest number of damaging hail reports near Warr Acres in 2012 is 73162, with 6 reports.

When is the last time it hailed near Warr Acres, Oklahoma?

The last time that hail was reported near Warr Acres was about 7 months ago on 09/19/2023.
Click here to view all hail reports near Warr Acres on 09/19/2023.

Years where hail was reported near Warr Acres, Oklahoma

A few other cities and towns near Warr Acres that may also have damaging hail reports:


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Click here to view all hail reports near Warr Acres, Oklahoma in 2012.


Click here to view all wind reports near Warr Acres, Oklahoma in 2012.


Click here to view all tornado reports near Warr Acres, Oklahoma in 2012.

05/30/2012 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 05/30/2012 7:00 A 1.25 inches bethany oklahoma OK
time estimated (oun)
Details 05/30/2012 5:57 A 1.00 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
council and wilshire (oun)
Details 05/30/2012 6:20 A 2.25 inches oklahoma city canadian OK

05/29/2012 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 05/29/2012 8:45 P 1.00 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
the hail was reported near nw 63rd and the lake hefner parkway. strong winds to 60 mph also split a bradford pear tree in half. (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:45 P 1.00 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
the hail was reported near nw 63rd and the lake hefner parkway. strong winds to 60 mph also split a bradford pear tree in half. (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:40 P 3.00 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
150th and santa fe (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:40 P 3.00 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
150th and santa fe (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:40 P 1.25 inches oklahoma city canadian OK
Details 05/29/2012 8:40 P 1.25 inches oklahoma city canadian OK
Details 05/29/2012 8:40 P 1.25 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
the hail was reported at hefner road and council avenue. (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:40 P 1.25 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
the hail was reported at hefner road and council avenue. (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:39 P 1.75 inches edmond oklahoma OK
reported at danforth and kelly avenue. (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:39 P 1.75 inches edmond oklahoma OK
reported at danforth and kelly avenue. (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:30 P 2.50 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
the hail was reported near may avenue and 178th. (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:30 P 2.50 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
the hail was reported near may avenue and 178th. (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:30 P 1.75 inches edmond oklahoma OK
15th and santa fe (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:30 P 1.75 inches edmond oklahoma OK
15th and santa fe (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:27 P 1.75 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
reported at sw 10th and may avenue (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:27 P 1.75 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
reported at sw 10th and may avenue (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:25 P 4.25 inches piedmont canadian OK
reported at piedmond road and nw expressway (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:25 P 4.25 inches piedmont canadian OK
reported at piedmond road and nw expressway (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:15 P 2.00 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
reported at sw 89th and penn avenue (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:15 P 2.00 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
reported at sw 89th and penn avenue (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:27 P 2.75 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
widespread damage reported as a result of the hail. (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:02 P 1.50 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
Details 05/29/2012 8:19 P 3.00 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
measured by nws certified weather observer (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:22 P 1.00 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
reported at 32nd and blackwelder. (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:23 P 1.75 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
rerorted at nw 16th and i-44 (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:30 P 1.75 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
the hail was reported near nw 10th and may. large tree branches were also blown down. (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:32 P 2.75 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
reported at sw 74th and may avenue (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:36 P 2.75 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
reported at 122nd and penn avenue (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:39 P 1.50 inches edmond oklahoma OK
reported at 15th and the broadway extension. (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:40 P 1.50 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
Details 05/29/2012 8:44 P 1.75 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
reported at council road and nw 85th. (oun)
Details 05/29/2012 8:45 P 2.75 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
western and memorial (oun)

04/28/2012 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 04/28/2012 11:15 P 1.25 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
Details 04/28/2012 11:21 P 1.00 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK
Details 04/28/2012 11:26 P 1.00 inches oklahoma city oklahoma OK

09/07/2012 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
09/07/2012 3:20 P 2 ssw oklahoma city oklahoma OK
large tree blocking roadway. (oun)

08/07/2012 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/07/2012 5:50 P 8 w edmond oklahoma OK
multiple power poles downed near 164th and macarthur blvd. some poles fell into homes. (oun)

05/30/2012 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
05/30/2012 11:54 P 59 mph will rogers airport oklahoma OK

05/30/2012 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
05/30/2012 11:49 P 65 mph yukon canadian OK

05/29/2012 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
05/29/2012 10:02 P 76 mph will rogers airport oklahoma OK

05/29/2012 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
05/29/2012 8:45 P 75 mph oklahoma city oklahoma OK
western and memorial (oun)

05/29/2012 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
05/29/2012 8:40 P 70 mph 4 sw edmond oklahoma OK
150th and santa fe (oun)
05/29/2012 8:40 P 3 sw edmond oklahoma OK
ten transmission poles were blown down around 150th and western avenue. (oun)

05/29/2012 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
05/29/2012 8:18 P 61 mph wiley post airport oklahoma OK

05/29/2012 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
05/29/2012 8:13 P 63 mph will rogers airport oklahoma OK

05/20/2012 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
05/20/2012 1:03 A 70 mph will rogers airport oklahoma OK

04/30/2012 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/30/2012 11:33 P 62 mph will rogers airport oklahoma OK

02/20/2012 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
02/20/2012 3:57 P oklahoma city oklahoma OK
local broadcast media and newspaper reported minor wind damage at the devon tower in oklahoma city. a 5 foot by 10 foot piece of glass was broken on the nortehast side (oun)

02/20/2012 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
02/20/2012 3:45 P 69 mph 4 w oklahoma city oklahoma OK
2012 TORNADO REPORTS NEAR WARR ACRES, OKLAHOMA No Reports of tornado activity found within 10 miles of Warr Acres, Oklahoma in 2012

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Last Updated {ts '2024-04-28 04:37:15'}