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2 HAIL REPORTS in 2019
1.75 LARGEST HAIL in 2019
1HAIL RISK SCORESilverstreet, South Carolina

All Hail Reports near Silverstreet, South Carolina in 2019

Silverstreet 2019 Hail Summary

Silverstreet, South Carolina (population: 162) had 2 hail reports within 10 miles of the city center located at (34.21791, -81.71539) in 2019. The largest report of hail in 2019 near Silverstreet was 1.75 inches about 4 years ago. The zipcode with the highest number of damaging hail reports near Silverstreet in 2019 is 29108, with 2 reports.

When is the last time it hailed near Silverstreet, South Carolina?

The last time that hail was reported near Silverstreet was about 7 months ago on 09/07/2023.
Click here to view all hail reports near Silverstreet on 09/07/2023.

Years where hail was reported near Silverstreet, South Carolina

A few other cities and towns near Silverstreet that may also have damaging hail reports:


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Click here to view all hail reports near Silverstreet, South Carolina in 2019.


Click here to view all wind reports near Silverstreet, South Carolina in 2019.


Click here to view all tornado reports near Silverstreet, South Carolina in 2019.

08/17/2019 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 08/17/2019 7:57 P 1.75 inches newberry newberry SC
multiple hail reports received with largest reported to 911 dispatch as golf-ball size. time estimated by radar. (cae)
Details 08/17/2019 7:58 P 1.00 inches newberry newberry SC
quarter-size hail observed in downtown newberry. time estimated by radar. report received via email. (cae)

10/31/2019 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
10/31/2019 4:00 P 1 wnw newberry newberry SC
large oak tree down on pope st. time estimated by radar. (cae)

09/13/2019 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
09/13/2019 4:31 P 3 w prosperity newberry SC
newberry county dispatch reported trees down on fire tower road at clara brown rd. (cae)

08/17/2019 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/17/2019 8:10 P 68 mph 1 ese newberry newberry SC
a peak wind of 68 mph was recorded at the newberry sheriffs office. (cae)
08/17/2019 8:10 P 68 mph 1 ese newberry newberry SC
corrects previous tstm wnd gst report from 1 ese newberry. a peak wind of 68 mph was measured at the newberry sheriffs office. (cae)

08/17/2019 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/17/2019 8:05 P 1 sw newberry newberry SC
pictures and reports received of 11+ trees down and a power pole with lines down on the following roadways: boundary... main... calhoun... johnston and fair streets. ti (cae)

08/17/2019 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/17/2019 8:04 P 60 mph 7 nw newberry newberry SC
estimated wind gusts greater than 60 mph near boyd road and jalapa road. (cae)

08/17/2019 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/17/2019 7:57 P 1 s newberry newberry SC
report via social media of multiple trees snapped... uprooted or otherwise down on hartford heights st. time estimated by radar. (cae)

08/17/2019 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/17/2019 7:55 P 3 nnw newberry newberry SC
highway patrol reported a tree down at the intersection of aiport road and hwy. 76. (cae)
08/17/2019 7:55 P newberry newberry SC
2 large oak trees down on harrington street... crushing 2 parked vehicles. observer also heard unofficial reports of 100 trees or more were down in the newberry area. t (cae)
08/17/2019 7:55 P newberry newberry SC
multiple trees reported uprooted... snapped and blown down on circle drive. time estimated by radar. (cae)

08/17/2019 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/17/2019 7:39 P 4 n newberry newberry SC
schp reported tree in roadway on sc-121 and i-26. time estimated from radar. (cae)
08/17/2019 7:39 P newberry newberry SC
pictures received on large trees snapped and down... along with downed power lines on calhoun st. via social media and time estimated by radar. (cae)

07/18/2019 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/18/2019 2:35 P 2 nw prosperity newberry SC
tree down on highway 76 in front of mckechnie vehicle components in the town of prosperity in newberry county. time estimated by radar. (cae)
07/18/2019 2:35 P 2 nw prosperity newberry SC
railroad crossing arms damaged at colony church rd in the town of prosperity in newberry county. time estimated by radar. (cae)
07/18/2019 2:35 P 1 s newberry newberry SC
tree down on grace st in the town of prosperity in newberry county. time estimated by radar. (cae)

06/24/2019 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/24/2019 8:30 P 3 s newberry newberry SC
schp reported a tree blown over on glenn st near sc395. (cae)
06/24/2019 8:30 P 5 ssw prosperity newberry SC
schp reported a tree blown over on toad hawkins rd near holland boozer rd. (cae)

06/22/2019 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/22/2019 2:34 A 1 ese silverstreet newberry SC
highway patrol reported trees down sc34 and sc121. (cae)

06/22/2019 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/22/2019 2:26 A 1 ssw chappells newberry SC
highway patrol reported trees down at sc 34 and old landfill rd. (cae)

06/20/2019 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/20/2019 2:36 P 2 nne silverstreet newberry SC
schp reported a tree down in road way at state rd s-36-49. time estimated by radar 3:36 pm. (cae)

04/19/2019 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/19/2019 12:52 P 3 w prosperity newberry SC
trees and power lines reported down along clara brown road. damage could be associated with tornado. (cae)
04/19/2019 12:52 P 3 w prosperity newberry SC
trees and power lines reported down along road. damage could be associated o. (cae)

03/01/2019 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
03/01/2019 6:27 P 1 nne chappells newberry SC
a tree... 2 feet in diameter... was downed at island ford rd and milner rd... north of chappells... partially blocking the roadway. (cae)
2019 TORNADO REPORTS NEAR SILVERSTREET, SOUTH CAROLINA No Reports of tornado activity found within 10 miles of Silverstreet, South Carolina in 2019

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Last Updated {ts '2024-04-28 20:37:54'}