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7 HAIL REPORTS in 2016
2.00 LARGEST HAIL in 2016
2HAIL RISK SCOREMoorhead, Minnesota

All Hail Reports near Moorhead, Minnesota in 2016

Moorhead 2016 Hail Summary

Moorhead, Minnesota (population: 38065) had 7 hail reports within 10 miles of the city center located at (46.87385, -96.76758) in 2016. The largest report of hail in 2016 near Moorhead was 2.00 inches about 7 years ago. The zipcode with the highest number of damaging hail reports near Moorhead in 2016 is 58105, with 3 reports.

When is the last time it hailed near Moorhead, Minnesota?

The last time that hail was reported near Moorhead was about 9 months ago on 07/13/2023.
Click here to view all hail reports near Moorhead on 07/13/2023.

Years where hail was reported near Moorhead, Minnesota

A few other cities and towns near Moorhead that may also have damaging hail reports:


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Click here to view all wind reports near Moorhead, Minnesota in 2016.


Click here to view all tornado reports near Moorhead, Minnesota in 2016.

08/27/2016 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 08/27/2016 1:10 P 1.00 inches west fargo cass ND
mostly nickel to quarter size hail. winds estimated 40 mph. (fgf)
Details 08/27/2016 1:14 P 1.00 inches fargo cass ND
Details 08/27/2016 1:20 P 1.00 inches moorhead clay MN
pea to quarter size hail in north moorhead. (fgf)
Details 08/27/2016 1:19 P 1.00 inches fargo cass ND
slightly larger than quarter hail at ndsu. (fgf)
Details 08/27/2016 1:24 P 2.00 inches fargo cass ND
photo via social media from north fargo. time estimated. (fgf)
Details 08/27/2016 1:13 P 1.25 inches west fargo cass ND
mostly nickel to quarter size hail...few to half dollar size. winds estimated 40 mph. (fgf)

08/03/2016 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 08/04/2016 12:35 A 1.00 inches dilworth clay MN
heavy rain with a few large hail. very intense lightning all around. (fgf)

07/26/2016 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/26/2016 9:40 P 64 mph 4 n fargo cass ND
measured at fargo airport. (fgf)
07/26/2016 9:40 P 4 n fargo cass ND
a few large 4 to 6 inch diameter tree branches broken down between edgewood and longfellow in north fargo. (fgf)

07/26/2016 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/26/2016 9:33 P 64 mph 4 n fargo cass ND
peak wind of 56 knots measured at the fargo airport /kfar/. (fgf)
07/26/2016 9:33 P 64 mph 3 nnw fargo cass ND
peak wind of 56 knots measured at the fargo airport /kfar/. (fgf)

07/21/2016 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/21/2016 12:03 A 69 mph 3 nnw fargo cass ND
peak wind of 60 knots measured at the fargo airport /kfar/. (fgf)

07/11/2016 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/11/2016 1:03 A 65 mph 2 sse moorhead clay MN
meteorologist estimated. (fgf)

07/11/2016 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/11/2016 1:01 A 62 mph 2 nnw fargo cass ND
peak wind of 54 kts at the fargo airport /kfar/. (fgf)

07/09/2016 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/09/2016 10:40 P 60 mph 4 ese moorhead clay MN
driving rain and very strong winds estimated at 50 to 60 mph. vehicle rocking. (fgf)

07/04/2016 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/04/2016 8:47 P glyndon clay MN
eight inch diameter tree branch down. (fgf)

07/04/2016 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/04/2016 8:40 P n fargo cass ND
ten to twelve inch diameter branches down in the northport area of north fargo. the power was also out. (fgf)

07/04/2016 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/04/2016 8:30 P west fargo cass ND
two to three foot diameter tree blown down. (fgf)

05/27/2016 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
05/27/2016 2:56 P 3 se moorhead clay MN
report of touchdown just east of hwy 52. (fgf)
05/27/2016 2:56 P 3 sse moorhead clay MN
report of touchdown just west of hwy 52... near 50th ave s. damage to a tree row. updated with corrected location. (fgf)
05/27/2016 2:56 P 3 sse moorhead clay MN
report of touchdown just west of hwy 52... near 50th ave s. damage to a tree row with two pine trees uprooted. no other damage or injuries. spotter confirmed tornado wa (fgf)

05/27/2016 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
05/27/2016 2:55 P sabin clay MN
report of brief touchdown near sabin with multiple high based funnels reported. (fgf)

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Last Updated {ts '2024-04-28 08:28:00'}