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3 HAIL REPORTS in 2020
1.00 LARGEST HAIL in 2020
2HAIL RISK SCOREBerwyn, Illinois

All Hail Reports near Berwyn, Illinois in 2020

Berwyn 2020 Hail Summary

Berwyn, Illinois (population: 56657) had 3 hail reports within 10 miles of the city center located at (41.85059, -87.79367) in 2020. The largest report of hail in 2020 near Berwyn was 1.00 inches about 3 years ago. The zipcode with the highest number of damaging hail reports near Berwyn in 2020 is 60131, with 2 reports.

When is the last time it hailed near Berwyn, Illinois?

The last time that hail was reported near Berwyn was about a month ago on 03/04/2024.
Click here to view all hail reports near Berwyn on 03/04/2024.

Years where hail was reported near Berwyn, Illinois

A few other cities and towns near Berwyn that may also have damaging hail reports:


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Click here to view all hail reports near Berwyn, Illinois in 2020.


Click here to view all wind reports near Berwyn, Illinois in 2020.


Click here to view all tornado reports near Berwyn, Illinois in 2020.

07/07/2020 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 07/07/2020 6:20 P 1.00 inches franklin park cook IL
spotter reported nickel size hail for several minutes with quarter size hail as it ended. duration 620 pm to 627 pm. (lot)

06/22/2020 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 06/22/2020 4:22 P 1.00 inches franklin park cook IL
spotter reports hail ranging from 0.75 to 1.0 inch diameter. relayed via amateur radio operator. (lot)

04/07/2020 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 04/07/2020 8:22 P 1.00 inches burbank cook IL
gusts up to 40 mph. (lot)

11/10/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
11/10/2020 5:44 P 61 mph midway airport cook IL
asos station kmdw chicago midway. (lot)

11/10/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
11/10/2020 5:43 P 66 mph 3 sw midway airport cook IL
0.85 inches of rain... 0.75 inches falling in 15 minutes. (lot)

11/10/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
11/10/2020 5:40 P irving park - chicago cook IL
power line downed in the irving park neighborhood of chicago. time estimated by radar. (lot)

11/10/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
11/10/2020 5:20 P 63 mph 1 ne york center dupage IL

08/10/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/10/2020 4:10 P 1 nw logan square - chi cook IL
tree blocking kezie blvd at logan blvd in logan square neighborhood of chicago. (lot)

08/10/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/10/2020 4:09 P 1 nw cicero cook IL
public report of tree damage in cicero. (lot)

08/10/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/10/2020 4:03 P lakeview - chicago cook IL
large tree snapped. time estimated by radar. (lot)

08/10/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/10/2020 4:00 P 2 nne bridgeport - chic cook IL
possible structure damage near 18th and canalport avenue in chicago. (lot)
08/10/2020 4:00 P 1 w navy pier cook IL
numerous reports of downed tree limbs across wrigleyville... roscoe village... logan square... and lincoln square. time estimated by radar. (lot)

08/10/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/10/2020 3:59 P oak lawn cook IL
large tree uprooted in oak lawn. time estimated by radar. (lot)

08/10/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/10/2020 3:57 P 1 sw albany park - chic cook IL
bricks knocked off top of building and trees downed. time estimated by radar. (lot)
08/10/2020 3:57 P 72 mph 1 ne midway airport cook IL
midway asos peak gust. (lot)

08/10/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/10/2020 3:55 P 65 mph 1 wsw burbank cook IL
also had pea size hail. (lot)

08/10/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/10/2020 3:53 P forest park cook IL
large tree down on road. (lot)

08/10/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/10/2020 3:52 P dunning - chicago cook IL
small garage partially collapsed. time estimated by radar. (lot)

08/10/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/10/2020 3:50 P dunning - chicago cook IL
garage collapsed. reported at nordica and roscoe. (lot)

08/10/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/10/2020 3:40 P oak brook dupage IL
report of estimated winds up to 50mph... small branches downed... and hail to half inch diameter. (lot)

08/10/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/10/2020 3:36 P villa park dupage IL
12 inch diameter tree down on house. time estimated by radar. (lot)

07/19/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/19/2020 11:50 A lakeview - chicago cook IL
portion of large tree downed onto road. (lot)

07/19/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/19/2020 11:45 A lakeview - chicago cook IL
6-8 tree branch down near parked cars. time estimated from radar. report from social media. (lot)

07/19/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/19/2020 11:44 A 1 sse chicago loop cook IL
reports of large tree limbs and numerous smaller limbs down along balbo and michigan avenue. time estimated based on radar. (lot)

07/19/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/19/2020 11:40 A 65 mph 3 sw midway airport cook IL
07/19/2020 11:40 A oak park cook IL
very large tree limb down in a backyard. social media report. time estimated from radar. (lot)

07/19/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/19/2020 11:35 A 1 ene summit cook IL
lost a massive branch on a tree at st. joseph church in summit. a few other trees lost smaller limbs down the block... too. report via social media. time estimated via (lot)
07/19/2020 11:35 A forest park cook IL
a few trees downed in forest park. time estimated by radar. (lot)

06/27/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/27/2020 7:11 P 1 nne river grove cook IL
twitter report of a tree down blocking the street at pittsburgh and addison. time estimated based on radar. (lot)

06/27/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/27/2020 7:08 P 1 s dunning - chicago cook IL
a tree was blown down onto power lines near oconto and barry avenues. (lot)

06/26/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/26/2020 7:23 P 1 n oak park cook IL
numerous reports of trees and wires down. time and location based on tweet and radar data. (lot)

06/26/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/26/2020 7:21 P 2 ese elmwood park cook IL
trees and wires down on a car. time estimated based on tweet and radar data. (lot)

06/26/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/26/2020 7:10 P 1 s dunning - chicago cook IL
tree down on power lines. (lot)

06/26/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/26/2020 7:06 P 1 n elmwood park cook IL
large tree down on a car at diversey and 75th. (lot)

06/26/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/26/2020 7:05 P 1 ssw norridge cook IL
power lines were blown down near pioneer and grace streets. time estimated. (lot)

06/10/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/10/2020 9:00 A englewood - chicago cook IL
large tree snapped power pole; 2 cars under massive braches; power out. (lot)

06/09/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/09/2020 3:15 P 1 ssw belmont-cragin cook IL
tree down blocking the road. (lot)

06/09/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/09/2020 3:10 P 1 wsw oak park cook IL
tree down across road. (lot)

06/09/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/09/2020 3:07 P 62 mph midway airport cook IL

06/09/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/09/2020 3:06 P hometown cook IL
trees down... shingles off roofs. (lot)
06/09/2020 3:06 P 1 sse bridgeview cook IL
pine tree uprooted. (lot)
06/09/2020 3:06 P 1 sw burbank cook IL
trees uprooted or snapped; roof damage. (lot)

06/09/2020 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/09/2020 3:05 P oak lawn cook IL
downed tree on central ave south of 95th. (lot)
06/09/2020 3:05 P 1 se bridgeview cook IL
30 ft pine tree uprooted. (lot)
2020 TORNADO REPORTS NEAR BERWYN, ILLINOIS No Reports of tornado activity found within 10 miles of Berwyn, Illinois in 2020

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Last Updated {ts '2024-04-28 17:34:11'}