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0 HAIL REPORTS in 2021
0.00 LARGEST HAIL in 2021
2HAIL RISK SCOREAgawam, Massachusetts

All Hail Reports near Agawam, Massachusetts in 2021

Agawam 2021 Hail Summary

Agawam, Massachusetts (population: 28761) had 0 hail reports within 10 miles of the city center located at (42.06954, -72.61481) in 2021. The largest report of hail in 2021 near Agawam was 0.00 inches

When is the last time it hailed near Agawam, Massachusetts?

The last time that hail was reported near Agawam was about 3 years ago on 05/11/2020.
Click here to view all hail reports near Agawam on 05/11/2020.

Years where hail was reported near Agawam, Massachusetts

A few other cities and towns near Agawam that may also have damaging hail reports:


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Click here to view all hail reports near Agawam, Massachusetts in 2021.


Click here to view all wind reports near Agawam, Massachusetts in 2021.


Click here to view all tornado reports near Agawam, Massachusetts in 2021.
2021 HAIL REPORTS NEAR AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS No reports of hail activity found within 10 miles of Agawam, Massachusetts in 2021

08/27/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/27/2021 4:23 P westfield hampden MA
large limb down on house on king street. (box)

08/27/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/27/2021 4:20 P west springfield hampden MA
tree down on amostown road at fausey drive. relayed via amateur radio. (box)

08/27/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/27/2021 4:15 P chicopee hampden MA
tree down on wires on granby road. (box)

08/27/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/27/2021 4:10 P west springfield hampden MA
tree down on woodmont street. relayed by amateur radio (box)

08/22/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/22/2021 2:52 P westfield hampden MA
tree and utility pole down on west road (box)

08/12/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/12/2021 5:00 P enfield hartford CT
6 power poles down on south street (box)

08/12/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/12/2021 4:50 P chicopee hampden MA
tree down on home on crescent drive (box)

08/12/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/12/2021 4:44 P agawam hampden MA
tree and wires down on high street. tree down on line street (box)

08/12/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/12/2021 4:33 P holyoke hampden MA
tree and wires down on building and car on wilson ave (box)

08/12/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/12/2021 4:27 P 68 mph westfield-barnes ap hampden MA
08/12/2021 4:27 P westfield hampden MA
multiple trees down blocking a portion of rte 202 (box)

07/27/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/27/2021 5:28 P agawam hampden MA
wires down near 1004 north west street. (box)
07/27/2021 5:28 P west springfield hampden MA
utility pole down on route 20 at dewey street. tree down on wires birnie ave. (box)

07/17/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/17/2021 3:29 P southwick hampden MA
tree down on fred jackson road (box)

07/16/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/16/2021 3:02 P springfield hampden MA
tree and wires down on a vehicle along bay street. person inside the car wasn't injured. (box)

07/07/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/07/2021 4:08 P 61 mph bradley ap hartford CT

07/07/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/07/2021 4:05 P suffield hartford CT
power lines down on rte 75 (box)

07/06/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/06/2021 4:01 P enfield hartford CT
tree down on house on taylor road (box)

07/06/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/06/2021 3:57 P enfield hartford CT
tree down onto house on bell ave (box)

07/06/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/06/2021 3:50 P suffield hartford CT
trees down on warertown road (box)

07/06/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/06/2021 3:31 P southwick hampden MA
multiple trees and wires down on industrail park road and on mort vining road. (box)

07/06/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/06/2021 3:30 P southwick hampden MA
tree and wires down on mort vining road (box)

06/29/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/29/2021 6:55 P westfield hampden MA
tree fallen on west road near reservoir road (box)

06/29/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/29/2021 6:32 P longmeadow hampden MA
several large trees down maple street (box)

06/29/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/29/2021 6:23 P springfield hampden MA
tree and wires down on river road and tree down on main street (box)

06/29/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/29/2021 6:20 P enfield hartford CT
*** 2 inj *** large tree down on a house on nevins avenue. 2 people had to be freed from the house and were transported to the hospital. (box)

06/29/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/29/2021 6:18 P agawam hampden MA
trees and wires down on main street (box)

06/29/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/29/2021 6:08 P southwick hampden MA
one foot diameter tree down across rising corner road at the agawam town line (box)

06/29/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/29/2021 5:49 P springfield hampden MA
tree down on berkshire ave (box)

06/29/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/29/2021 5:44 P southwick hampden MA
tree down on sheep pasture road (box)

06/29/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/29/2021 5:42 P southwick hampden MA
tree down on sheep pasture road (box)

06/29/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/29/2021 5:40 P southwick hampden MA
large tree and wires down on long yard road (box)

06/29/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/29/2021 5:20 P enfield hartford CT
*** 2 inj *** large tree down on a house. 2 people had to be freed from the house and were transported to the hospital. (box)

05/26/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
05/26/2021 6:20 P springfield hampden MA
multiple trees down on north branch parkway (box)

04/21/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/21/2021 3:15 P ludlow hampden MA
trees and wires down at westover golf course. tree down on waverly circle. (box)

04/21/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/21/2021 3:12 P southwick hampden MA
several utility poles snapped... trees and wires down on south longyard road and sleep pasture road. (box)
04/21/2021 3:12 P southwick hampden MA
tree and transformer down on sleep pasture road. (box)

04/21/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/21/2021 3:10 P chicopee hampden MA
tree down blocking chicopee street at carpenter blvd. (box)
04/21/2021 3:10 P chicopee hampden MA
tree down on cars on chicopee road. (box)
04/21/2021 3:10 P chicopee hampden MA
trees and wires down on beverly street and deslories avenue... tree and wires and utility pole down on billings street. (box)
04/21/2021 3:10 P chicopee hampden MA
woodbridge road... honeysuckle drive... applewood drive... meadowlark lane and lynwood drive all in doverbrook condos complex had 15 large trees blown down. three units (box)
04/21/2021 3:10 P 72 mph chicopee hampden MA

04/21/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/21/2021 3:05 P enfield hartford CT
tree down on wires on george washington road. (box)
04/21/2021 3:05 P holyoke hampden MA
tree and utility pole down on a house on mayer drive. (box)
04/21/2021 3:05 P enfield hartford CT
tree down on wires on george washington rd. (box)

04/21/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/21/2021 3:03 P 3 nw suffield hartford CT
report from mping: 3-inch tree limbs broken; power poles broken. (box)

04/21/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/21/2021 3:01 P agawam hampden MA
pole and wires down on car on rte 159. (box)
04/21/2021 3:01 P agawam hampden MA
pole and wires down on a car on route 159 at southwick line. (box)

04/21/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/21/2021 2:58 P southwick hampden MA
trees and transform down on sleep pasture road. utility poles down on south longyard rd. (box)

04/21/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/21/2021 2:50 P holyoke hampden MA
tree and power lines down on silver street. (box)
2021 TORNADO REPORTS NEAR AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS No Reports of tornado activity found within 10 miles of Agawam, Massachusetts in 2021

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Last Updated {ts '2024-04-29 23:41:41'}