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52 HAIL REPORTS in 2024
3.00 LARGEST HAIL in 2024
5HAIL RISK SCOREWeldon Spring, Missouri

All Hail Reports near Weldon Spring, Missouri in 2024

Weldon Spring 2024 Hail Summary

Weldon Spring, Missouri (population: 5443) had 52 hail reports within 10 miles of the city center located at (38.71339, -90.68929) in 2024. The largest report of hail in 2024 near Weldon Spring was 3.00 inches about a month ago. The zipcode with the highest number of damaging hail reports near Weldon Spring in 2024 is 63366, with 21 reports.

When is the last time it hailed near Weldon Spring, Missouri?

The last time that hail was reported near Weldon Spring was about 3 weeks ago on 04/01/2024.
Click here to view all hail reports near Weldon Spring on 04/01/2024.

Years where hail was reported near Weldon Spring, Missouri

A few other cities and towns near Weldon Spring that may also have damaging hail reports:


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Click here to view all tornado reports near Weldon Spring, Missouri in 2024.

04/01/2024 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 04/01/2024 6:21 P 1.75 inches chesterfield st. louis MO
numerous reports of heavy golf ball sized hail falling in chesterfield for at least 5 minutes. (lsx)
Details 04/01/2024 6:21 P 1.75 inches chesterfield st. louis MO
numerous reports of heavy golf ball sized hail falling in chesterfield for at least 5 minutes. (lsx)
Details 04/01/2024 6:24 P 1.00 inches glencoe st. louis MO
Details 04/01/2024 6:24 P 1.00 inches glencoe st. louis MO
Details 04/01/2024 6:29 P 1.00 inches saint charles st. charles MO
quarter sized hail at location. (lsx)
Details 04/01/2024 6:29 P 1.00 inches saint charles st. charles MO
quarter sized hail at location. (lsx)
Details 04/01/2024 6:40 P 1.00 inches cottleville st. charles MO
picture on twitter of measurement. quarter sized hail. (lsx)
Details 04/01/2024 6:40 P 1.00 inches cottleville st. charles MO
picture on twitter of measurement. quarter sized hail. (lsx)

03/14/2024 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 03/14/2024 4:20 P 1.50 inches o fallon st. charles MO
Details 03/14/2024 4:22 P 2.00 inches saint peters st. charles MO
Details 03/14/2024 4:20 P 3.00 inches o fallon st. charles MO
Details 03/14/2024 4:19 P 2.50 inches lake saint louis st. charles MO
Details 03/14/2024 4:32 P 3.00 inches o fallon st. charles MO
Details 03/14/2024 4:15 P 2.00 inches o fallon st. charles MO
delayed report... time estimated from radar. (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:16 P 1.75 inches o fallon st. charles MO
delayed report. (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:16 P 1.75 inches o fallon st. charles MO
golf ball sized hail at st. paul road and hwy p in st. paul. (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:19 P 1.75 inches saint peters st. charles MO
delayed report... time estimated from radar. (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:23 P 2.75 inches o fallon st. charles MO
delayed report. (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:12 P 2.75 inches o fallon st. charles MO
delayed report... time estimated from radar. (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:13 P 1.00 inches lake saint louis st. charles MO
delayed report. (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:19 P 3.00 inches lake saint louis st. charles MO
delayed report. hail was approximately the size of a palm or two golf balls put together. estimated 3-4 inches. (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:26 P 2.75 inches lake saint louis st. charles MO
delayed report. (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:28 P 2.00 inches lake saint louis st. charles MO
delayed report... 2 to 2.5 inch hail. (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 6:15 P 2.00 inches o fallon st. charles MO
Details 03/14/2024 4:11 P 1.00 inches o fallon st. charles MO
report from mping: quarter (1.00 in.). (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:13 P 1.00 inches lake saint louis st. charles MO
report from mping: quarter (1.00 in.). (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:13 P 2.00 inches wentzville st. charles MO
Details 03/14/2024 4:16 P 2.00 inches lake saint louis st. charles MO
report from mping: hen egg (2.00 in.). (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:16 P 1.25 inches o fallon st. charles MO
report from mping: half dollar (1.25 in.). (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:17 P 1.75 inches saint peters st. charles MO
report from mping: golf ball (1.75 in.). (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:18 P 1.75 inches saint peters st. charles MO
report from mping: golf ball (1.75 in.). (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:18 P 2.00 inches o fallon st. charles MO
report from mping: hen egg (2.00 in.). (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:18 P 2.75 inches lake saint louis st. charles MO
report from mping: baseball (2.75 in.). (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:18 P 1.25 inches o fallon st. charles MO
report from mping: half dollar (1.25 in.). (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:19 P 1.75 inches o fallon st. charles MO
report from mping: golf ball (1.75 in.). (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:19 P 1.75 inches saint peters st. charles MO
report from mping: golf ball (1.75 in.). (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:19 P 1.75 inches o fallon st. charles MO
report from mping: golf ball (1.75 in.). (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:20 P 2.25 inches o fallon st. charles MO
report from mping: hen egg+ (2.25 in.). (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:21 P 1.00 inches saint peters st. charles MO
Details 03/14/2024 4:32 P 3.00 inches o fallon st. charles MO
report from mping: tea cup (3.00 in.). (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:32 P 2.00 inches saint peters st. charles MO
Details 03/14/2024 4:35 P 3.00 inches saint peters st. charles MO
report from mping: tea cup (3.00 in.). (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:49 P 2.50 inches lake saint louis st. charles MO
report from mping: tennis ball (2.50 in.). (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:57 P 2.00 inches o fallon st. charles MO
report from mping: hen egg (2.00 in.). (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 6:13 P 2.00 inches o fallon st. charles MO
report from mping: hen egg (2.00 in.). (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:20 P 1.75 inches saint peters st. charles MO
delayed report. (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:20 P 1.00 inches saint peters st. charles MO
delayed report... time estimated from radar. (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:12 P 2.75 inches lake saint louis st. charles MO
delayed report. (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:24 P 1.75 inches o fallon st. charles MO
video sent via social media. (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:29 P 1.00 inches saint peters st. charles MO
report via social media. (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:19 P 2.00 inches o fallon st. charles MO
report via social media. time estimated by radar. (lsx)
Details 03/14/2024 4:19 P 3.00 inches o fallon st. charles MO
several photos of 2-3 inch hail measured with a ruler. (lsx)

04/01/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/01/2024 11:13 P 3 e chesterfield st. louis MO
from news broadcast: large uprooted tree... tree branches piercing roof in a home. numerous branches down in neighborhood. (lsx)

04/01/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/01/2024 6:36 P 3 w chesterfield st. louis MO
fallen light pole... a few shingles missing from roof... light tree damage... and fallen sign. all pictures from twitter. (lsx)
04/01/2024 6:36 P 3 w chesterfield st. louis MO
fallen light pole... a few shingles missing from roof... light tree damage... and fallen sign. all pictures from twitter. (lsx)
04/01/2024 6:36 P 3 nw town and country st. louis MO
uprooted tree. no picture. (lsx)
04/01/2024 6:36 P 3 nw town and country st. louis MO
uprooted tree. no picture. (lsx)

04/01/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/01/2024 6:27 P 61 mph 4 s weldon spring st. louis MO
04/01/2024 6:27 P 61 mph 4 s weldon spring st. louis MO

04/01/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/01/2024 6:26 P 1 e chesterfield st. louis MO
downed tree branches varying in size... most small one large. sagging power lines as a result. (lsx)
04/01/2024 6:26 P 1 e chesterfield st. louis MO
downed tree branches varying in size... most small one large. sagging power lines as a result. (lsx)
04/01/2024 6:26 P 1 e chesterfield st. louis MO
one large tree snapped at base and branches splintered. the health of the tree isnt clear. (lsx)
04/01/2024 6:26 P 1 e chesterfield st. louis MO
one large tree snapped at base and branches splintered. the health of the tree isnt clear. (lsx)

04/01/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/01/2024 6:20 P 3 e chesterfield st. louis MO
corrects previous tstm wnd dmg report from 3 e chesterfield. from news broadcast: large uprooted tree... tree branches piercing roof in a home. numerous branches down i (lsx)
04/01/2024 6:20 P 3 e chesterfield st. louis MO
corrects previous tstm wnd dmg report from 3 e chesterfield. from news broadcast: large uprooted tree... tree branches piercing roof in a home. numerous branches down i (lsx)
04/01/2024 6:20 P 2 e chesterfield st. louis MO
media broadcast of tree damage on appalachian trail. (lsx)
04/01/2024 6:20 P 2 e chesterfield st. louis MO
damage to multiple large trees including uprooting and snapping at base and trunk. (lsx)

04/01/2024 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
04/01/2024 6:32 P 2 e chesterfield st. louis MO
an nws storm survey team found that an ef0 tornado occurred yesterday april 1 in chesterfield. the tornado was on the ground for 2 miles... had a max path width of 332 (lsx)

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Last Updated {ts '2024-04-28 13:52:21'}