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4 HAIL REPORTS in 2024
1.25 LARGEST HAIL in 2024
1HAIL RISK SCORESunset, Louisiana

All Hail Reports near Sunset, Louisiana in 2024

Sunset 2024 Hail Summary

Sunset, Louisiana (population: 2897) had 4 hail reports within 10 miles of the city center located at (30.41131, -92.06845) in 2024. The largest report of hail in 2024 near Sunset was 1.25 inches about a month ago. The zipcode with the highest number of damaging hail reports near Sunset in 2024 is 70512, with 2 reports.

When is the last time it hailed near Sunset, Louisiana?

The last time that hail was reported near Sunset was about 2 weeks ago on 04/10/2024.
Click here to view all hail reports near Sunset on 04/10/2024.

Years where hail was reported near Sunset, Louisiana

A few other cities and towns near Sunset that may also have damaging hail reports:


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Click here to view all wind reports near Sunset, Louisiana in 2024.


Click here to view all tornado reports near Sunset, Louisiana in 2024.

04/10/2024 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 04/10/2024 7:52 A 1.00 inches arnaudville st. landry LA
corrects previous tstm wnd dmg report from 1 s arnaudville. public submitted a photo of quarter size hail near arnaudville. time estimated by radar. (lch)
Details 04/10/2024 7:52 A 1.00 inches arnaudville st. landry LA
corrects previous tstm wnd dmg report from 1 s arnaudville. public submitted a photo of quarter size hail near arnaudville. time estimated by radar. (lch)

03/05/2024 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 03/05/2024 11:29 A 1.25 inches church point st. landry LA
videos received of hail to half dollar size hail north of church point. time estimated by radar. (lch)
Details 03/05/2024 11:29 A 1.25 inches church point st. landry LA
videos received of hail to half dollar size hail north of church point. time estimated by radar. (lch)

04/10/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/10/2024 7:52 A 1 s arnaudville st. landry LA
public submitted a photo of quarter size hail near arnaudville. time estimated by radar. (lch)
04/10/2024 7:52 A 1 s arnaudville st. landry LA
public submitted a photo of quarter size hail near arnaudville. time estimated by radar. (lch)

04/10/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/10/2024 7:47 A 1 nne opelousas st. landry LA
report of widespread wind damage across st. landry parish. over 60 roads blocked with trees down. time estimated by radar. (lch)
04/10/2024 7:47 A 1 nne opelousas st. landry LA
report of widespread wind damage across st. landry parish. over 60 roads blocked with trees down. time estimated by radar. (lch)

04/10/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/10/2024 7:34 A 2 nw opelousas st. landry LA
*** 4 inj *** st landry parish em reports four people were injured when a tree fell on a car. one injury is critical and the victim is being airlifted to baton rouge. (lch)
04/10/2024 7:34 A 2 nw opelousas st. landry LA
*** 4 inj *** st landry parish em reports four people were injured when a tree fell on a car. one injury is critical and the victim is being airlifted to baton rouge. (lch)
04/10/2024 7:34 A 2 nnw cankton st. landry LA
photo of tree down on hypolite rd near cankton. time estimated by radar. (lch)
04/10/2024 7:34 A 2 nnw cankton st. landry LA
photo of tree down on hypolite rd near cankton. time estimated by radar. (lch)

04/10/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/10/2024 7:30 A 3 nw cankton st. landry LA
report of damage and heavy debris at diamond lane... berab and vautrot rd. possible tornado. time estimated by radar. (lch)
04/10/2024 7:30 A church point acadia LA
large tree blown down on vista st. time estimated by radar. (lch)
04/10/2024 7:30 A church point acadia LA
large tree blown down on vista st. time estimated by radar. (lch)
04/10/2024 7:30 A 1 wsw church point acadia LA
numerous reports of trees blown down or snapped off in the area of church point. time estimated by radar. (lch)
04/10/2024 7:30 A 1 wsw church point acadia LA
numerous reports of trees blown down or snapped off in the area of church point. time estimated by radar. (lch)

04/10/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/10/2024 7:10 A 63 mph 2 nnw opelousas st. landry LA
awos station kopl opelousas. (lch)
04/10/2024 7:10 A 63 mph 2 nnw opelousas st. landry LA
awos station kopl opelousas. (lch)

04/10/2024 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
04/10/2024 7:27 A 2 ese church point acadia LA
brief tornado touched down at the leading edge of the squall line as it reached parish rd 3-97. tornado caused tree damage and destroyed a grain bin. (lch)
04/10/2024 7:27 A 2 ese church point acadia LA
brief tornado touched down at the leading edge of the squall line as it reached parish rd 3-97. tornado caused tree damage and destroyed a grain bin. (lch)
04/10/2024 7:27 A 2 ese church point acadia LA
corrects previous tornado report from 2 ese church point. brief tornado touched down at the leading edge of the squall line as it reached parish rd 3-97. tornado caused (lch)

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Last Updated {ts '2024-04-30 00:42:55'}