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0 HAIL REPORTS in 2024
0.00 LARGEST HAIL in 2024
2HAIL RISK SCOREStanleytown, Virginia

All Hail Reports near Stanleytown, Virginia in 2024

Stanleytown 2024 Hail Summary

Stanleytown, Virginia (population: 1422) had 0 hail reports within 10 miles of the city center located at (36.7443, -79.96282) in 2024. The largest report of hail in 2024 near Stanleytown was 0.00 inches

When is the last time it hailed near Stanleytown, Virginia?

The last time that hail was reported near Stanleytown was about a year ago on 04/06/2023.
Click here to view all hail reports near Stanleytown on 04/06/2023.

Years where hail was reported near Stanleytown, Virginia

A few other cities and towns near Stanleytown that may also have damaging hail reports:


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Click here to view all hail reports near Stanleytown, Virginia in 2024.


Click here to view all wind reports near Stanleytown, Virginia in 2024.


Click here to view all tornado reports near Stanleytown, Virginia in 2024.
2024 HAIL REPORTS NEAR STANLEYTOWN, VIRGINIA No reports of hail activity found within 10 miles of Stanleytown, Virginia in 2024

04/11/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/11/2024 8:50 P 2 wsw fieldale henry VA
tree down in the 2600 block of dillons fork road. (rnk)
04/11/2024 8:50 P 2 wsw fieldale henry VA
tree down in the 2600 block of dillons fork road. (rnk)

04/11/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/11/2024 8:30 P 2 wsw fieldale henry VA
tree down in the 2820 block of dillons fork road in the fieldale area. (rnk)

04/11/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/11/2024 8:29 P 2 wsw fieldale henry VA
trees and power lines were down across dillons fork road at valley drive in the fieldale area blocking both lanes of the road. (rnk)

04/11/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/11/2024 8:24 P 3 n martinsville city henry VA
tree down near the entrance to the industrial park at the intersection of barrows mill road and nautica way in martinsville. (rnk)
04/11/2024 8:24 P 3 n martinsville city henry VA
tree down near the entrance to the industrial park at the intersection of barrows mill road and nautica way in martinsville. (rnk)

04/11/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/11/2024 8:17 P 2 nnw bassett henry VA
tree down in the 2400 block of philpott drive in the bassett area. (rnk)
04/11/2024 8:17 P 2 nnw bassett henry VA
tree down in the 2400 block of philpott drive in the bassett area. (rnk)

04/11/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/11/2024 7:58 P 2 wsw fieldale henry VA
two trees and power lines down in the 2800 block of dillons fork road in the fieldale area. (rnk)
04/11/2024 7:58 P 2 wsw fieldale henry VA
two trees and power lines down in the 2800 block of dillons fork road in the fieldale area. (rnk)

04/11/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/11/2024 7:54 P stanleytown henry VA
tree downed by thunderstorm winds... blocking the entire road. (rnk)
04/11/2024 7:54 P stanleytown henry VA
tree downed by thunderstorm winds... blocking the entire road. (rnk)

04/11/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/11/2024 7:52 P 1 wnw bassett henry VA
tree downed by thunderstorm winds on oak level road. (rnk)
04/11/2024 7:52 P 1 wnw bassett henry VA
tree downed by thunderstorm winds on oak level road. (rnk)
04/11/2024 7:52 P 1 ene stanleytown henry VA
tree downed by thunderstorm winds blocking applegate road. (rnk)

04/11/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/11/2024 7:50 P 2 nnw bassett henry VA
tree downed by thunderstorm winds... blocking both sides of philpott drive. (rnk)
04/11/2024 7:50 P 1 nw stanleytown henry VA
tree downed by thunderstorm winds blocking both lanes of pine valley drive. (rnk)
04/11/2024 7:50 P 1 nw stanleytown henry VA
tree downed by thunderstorm winds blocking both lanes of pine valley drive. (rnk)

04/11/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/11/2024 7:49 P 2 ne martinsville airpo henry VA
tree downed by thunderstorm winds on old d and w road... blocking one lane of traffic. (rnk)
04/11/2024 7:49 P 2 ne martinsville airpo henry VA
tree downed by thunderstorm winds on old d and w road... blocking one lane of traffic. (rnk)

04/11/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/11/2024 7:47 P 3 e sanville henry VA
tree downed by thunderstorm winds near the intersection of smith road and jarrett drive. (rnk)
04/11/2024 7:47 P bassett henry VA
tree downed by thunderstorm winds blocking one lane on sunset drive. (rnk)
04/11/2024 7:47 P bassett henry VA
tree downed by thunderstorm winds blocking one lane on sunset drive. (rnk)
04/11/2024 7:47 P collinsville henry VA
tree downed by thunderstorm winds... partially blocking rockford road. (rnk)

04/11/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/11/2024 7:46 P 1 ne villa heights henry VA
trees downed by thunderstorm winds onto power and telephone lines on stultz road. (rnk)
04/11/2024 7:46 P 1 ne villa heights henry VA
trees downed by thunderstorm winds onto power and telephone lines on stultz road. (rnk)

04/03/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/03/2024 12:11 P 3 ssw martinsville city henry VA
tree down across the left lane of the william f. stone highway at the joseph martin highway exit. (rnk)
04/03/2024 12:11 P 3 ssw martinsville city henry VA
tree down across the left lane of the william f. stone highway at the joseph martin highway exit. (rnk)

01/09/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
01/09/2024 1:20 P 2 wsw chatmoss henry VA
a tree was blown down by thunderstorm winds on spruce street. (rnk)
01/09/2024 1:20 P 2 wsw chatmoss henry VA
a tree was blown down by thunderstorm winds on spruce street. (rnk)

01/09/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
01/09/2024 1:19 P 2 w figsboro henry VA
thunderstorm winds blew down a tree on hidden valley drive. tree blocked the entire road. (rnk)

01/09/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
01/09/2024 1:17 P 1 nnw figsboro henry VA
trees and power lines blown down by thunderstorm winds near figsboro road and snyder hollow road. (rnk)
01/09/2024 1:17 P 1 ssw villa heights henry VA
a tree was blown down by thunderstorm winds near the intersection of harmon hill road and koehler road. tree was under the train tracks. (rnk)
01/09/2024 1:17 P 2 wsw chatmoss henry VA
a tree was blown down by thunderstorm winds on rives road. (rnk)
01/09/2024 1:17 P 2 sw chatmoss henry VA
tree blown down by thunderstorm winds at the intersection of irisburg road and spruce street. tree blocked 1.5 lanes. (rnk)

01/09/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
01/09/2024 1:13 P 1 ssw villa heights henry VA
a tree was down at the intersection of harmon hill road and koehler road. (rnk)
01/09/2024 1:13 P 2 nne horse pasture henry VA
thunderstorm winds blew down one tree on carver road. (rnk)

01/09/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
01/09/2024 1:12 P 2 ne horse pasture henry VA
a tree was down on a power line in the 100 block of washington road near the intersection with fairwood drive. (rnk)
01/09/2024 1:12 P 2 ne horse pasture henry VA
a tree was down on a power line in the 100 block of washington road near the intersection with fairwood drive. (rnk)
2024 TORNADO REPORTS NEAR STANLEYTOWN, VIRGINIA No Reports of tornado activity found within 10 miles of Stanleytown, Virginia in 2024

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Last Updated {ts '2024-04-27 10:02:53'}