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19 HAIL REPORTS in 2024
1.75 LARGEST HAIL in 2024
5HAIL RISK SCOREPleasant Valley, Missouri

All Hail Reports near Pleasant Valley, Missouri in 2024

Pleasant Valley 2024 Hail Summary

Pleasant Valley, Missouri (population: 2961) had 19 hail reports within 10 miles of the city center located at (39.21639, -94.48412) in 2024. The largest report of hail in 2024 near Pleasant Valley was 1.75 inches about a month ago. The zipcode with the highest number of damaging hail reports near Pleasant Valley in 2024 is 64158, with 6 reports.

When is the last time it hailed near Pleasant Valley, Missouri?

The last time that hail was reported near Pleasant Valley was about a month ago on 03/14/2024.
Click here to view all hail reports near Pleasant Valley on 03/13/2024.

Years where hail was reported near Pleasant Valley, Missouri

A few other cities and towns near Pleasant Valley that may also have damaging hail reports:


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Click here to view all tornado reports near Pleasant Valley, Missouri in 2024.

03/13/2024 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 03/13/2024 8:41 P 1.00 inches kansas city clay MO
spotter reported 1 inch hail and the ground is white with hail. (eax)
Details 03/13/2024 8:39 P 1.50 inches kansas city clay MO
report from mping: ping pong ball (1.50 in.). (eax)
Details 03/13/2024 8:43 P 1.00 inches kansas city clay MO
report from mping: quarter (1.00 in.). time confirmed from radar. (eax)
Details 03/13/2024 8:43 P 1.00 inches kansas city clay MO
report from mping: quarter (1.00 in.). time confirmed from radar. (eax)
Details 03/13/2024 8:43 P 1.00 inches kansas city clay MO
report from mping: quarter (1.00 in.). time confirmed from radar. (eax)
Details 03/13/2024 8:43 P 1.00 inches kansas city clay MO
report from mping: quarter (1.00 in.). time confirmed from radar. (eax)
Details 03/13/2024 8:40 P 1.50 inches liberty clay MO
photo of ping pong ball sized hail in liberty. time confirmed from radar. (eax)
Details 03/13/2024 8:45 P 1.25 inches kansas city clay MO
walnut size hail near shoal creek parkway west of liberty. time estimated from radar. (eax)
Details 03/13/2024 8:45 P 1.00 inches kansas city clay MO
hail reported near hwy 1 and hwy 152. (eax)
Details 03/13/2024 8:43 P 1.50 inches kansas city clay MO
photo of ping pong ball sized hail in pleasant valley. time estimated from radar. (eax)
Details 03/13/2024 7:55 P 1.25 inches kansas city jackson MO
report from mping: half dollar (1.25 in.). time estimated from radar. (eax)
Details 03/13/2024 8:35 P 1.75 inches kansas city clay MO
photo of golf ball size hail near route 291 and withers road. time estimated from radar. (eax)
Details 03/13/2024 8:35 P 1.75 inches kansas city clay MO
photo of golf ball size hail near route 291 and withers road. time estimated from radar. (eax)
Details 03/13/2024 8:39 P 1.00 inches kansas city clay MO
quarter size hail near worlds of fun. photo via social media. time estimated from radar. (eax)
Details 03/14/2024 12:45 A 1.00 inches kansas city clay MO
Details 03/13/2024 8:00 P 1.75 inches kansas city jackson MO
severe thunderstorms with large hail and torrential rainfall resulted in temporary stranded traffic and road closures... including on i-35 and i-70... between 730 and 9 (eax)
Details 03/13/2024 8:23 P 1.00 inches riverside platte MO
social media photo of quarter size hail in riverside. time estimated from radar. (eax)
Details 03/14/2024 12:37 A 1.00 inches kansas city clay MO
report from mping: quarter (1.00 in.). time estimated from radar. (eax)
Details 03/14/2024 12:46 A 1.00 inches kansas city clay MO
report from mping: quarter (1.00 in.). time confirmed by radar. (eax)

04/18/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/18/2024 2:06 A 2 ene kansas city jackson MO
downed power lines and power outages near amie ct. time estimated from radar and power outage report time. (eax)
04/18/2024 2:06 A 2 ene kansas city jackson MO
downed power lines and power outages near amie ct. time estimated from radar and power outage report time. (eax)

04/16/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/16/2024 1:01 P 2 ene independence jackson MO
downed power lines and numerous power outages on the eastern side of independence. time estimated from radar. (eax)

04/16/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/16/2024 10:31 A 1 sw independence jackson MO
reports of downed tree limbs and wires near linden avenue and willis avenue. time estimated from radar. (eax)

04/16/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/16/2024 10:25 A birmingham clay MO
power outages reported in the birmingham area. time estimated from radar. (eax)

04/16/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/16/2024 10:17 A 1 ese gladstone clay MO
several reports of power outages between gladstone and claycomo. time estimated from radar. (eax)

04/16/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/16/2024 10:11 A 6 e ferrelview clay MO
downed power lines and power outages near virginia avenue and ne 113th st. time estimated from radar. (eax)
04/16/2024 10:11 A 3 se smithville clay MO
sporadic tree damage and a portion of a fence blown away near 144th st and mt olivet rd just southeast of smithville. (eax)

04/16/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/16/2024 10:05 A 2 e lake waukomis platte MO
widespread power outages in the lake waukomis area. time estimated from radar. (eax)
04/16/2024 10:05 A 2 e lake waukomis platte MO
widespread power outages in the lake waukomis area. time estimated from radar. (eax)

04/16/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/16/2024 10:03 A 1 nw houston lake platte MO
downed power lines and power outages reported east of parkville. time estimated from radar. (eax)

03/13/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
03/13/2024 8:50 P 3 nnw liberty clay MO
downed power lines and power outages from thunderstorm winds and hail near 112th street and route a. time estimated from radar. (eax)

03/13/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
03/13/2024 8:27 P 1 ne kansas city jackson MO
downed power lines and power outages near forest avenue. time estimated from radar. (eax)
03/13/2024 8:27 P 1 wsw randolph clay MO
downed power lines and power outages from a severe thunderstorm near birmingham road. time estimated from radar. (eax)

03/13/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
03/13/2024 8:14 P 1 nne kansas city jackson MO
downed power lines and power outages from a severe thunderstorm near pacific street. time estimated from radar. (eax)
03/13/2024 8:14 P 1 nne kansas city jackson MO
downed power lines and power outages from a severe thunderstorm near pacific street. time estimated from radar. (eax)
2024 TORNADO REPORTS NEAR PLEASANT VALLEY, MISSOURI No Reports of tornado activity found within 10 miles of Pleasant Valley, Missouri in 2024

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Last Updated {ts '2024-04-27 09:43:39'}