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0 HAIL REPORTS in 2024
0.00 LARGEST HAIL in 2024
3HAIL RISK SCORELake Zurich, Illinois

All Hail Reports near Lake Zurich, Illinois in 2024

Lake Zurich 2024 Hail Summary

Lake Zurich, Illinois (population: 19631) had 0 hail reports within 10 miles of the city center located at (42.19697, -88.09341) in 2024. The largest report of hail in 2024 near Lake Zurich was 0.00 inches

When is the last time it hailed near Lake Zurich, Illinois?

The last time that hail was reported near Lake Zurich was about a year ago on 04/20/2023.
Click here to view all hail reports near Lake Zurich on 04/20/2023.

Years where hail was reported near Lake Zurich, Illinois

A few other cities and towns near Lake Zurich that may also have damaging hail reports:


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Click here to view all hail reports near Lake Zurich, Illinois in 2024.


Click here to view all wind reports near Lake Zurich, Illinois in 2024.


Click here to view all tornado reports near Lake Zurich, Illinois in 2024.
2024 HAIL REPORTS NEAR LAKE ZURICH, ILLINOIS No reports of hail activity found within 10 miles of Lake Zurich, Illinois in 2024

02/27/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
02/27/2024 7:55 P libertyville lake IL
photo shared via social media showing fence panels blown over in libertyville. time estimated from radar. (lot)
02/27/2024 7:55 P libertyville lake IL
photo shared via social media showing fence panels blown over in libertyville. time estimated from radar. (lot)

02/27/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
02/27/2024 7:53 P 1 wsw mettawa lake IL
photo shared via social media showing a large tree snapped along townline rd in mettawa. time estimated from radar. (lot)
02/27/2024 7:53 P 1 wsw mettawa lake IL
photo shared via social media showing a large tree snapped along townline rd in mettawa. time estimated from radar. (lot)

02/27/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
02/27/2024 7:52 P 1 s vernon hills lake IL
social media report and photos of snapped softwood trees. time estimated by radar. (lot)
02/27/2024 7:52 P 1 s vernon hills lake IL
social media report and photos of snapped softwood trees. time estimated by radar. (lot)

02/27/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
02/27/2024 7:49 P 82 mph 1 nw palatine cook IL
private weather station kilpalat112 reported 82 mph gust northwest of palatine. (lot)
02/27/2024 7:49 P 82 mph 1 nw palatine cook IL
private weather station kilpalat112 reported 82 mph gust northwest of palatine. (lot)

02/27/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
02/27/2024 7:45 P long grove lake IL
widespread tree damage caused by straight-line winds observed in long grove. (lot)
02/27/2024 7:45 P long grove lake IL
widespread tree damage caused by straight-line winds observed in long grove. (lot)

02/27/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
02/27/2024 7:43 P kildeer lake IL
widespread tree damage caused by straight-line winds observed in kildeer. (lot)

02/27/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
02/27/2024 7:40 P 62 mph 2 s inverness cook IL
private weather station kilpalat43 reported 62 mph gust near hoffman estates. (lot)
02/27/2024 7:40 P 62 mph 2 s inverness cook IL
private weather station kilpalat43 reported 62 mph gust near hoffman estates. (lot)
02/27/2024 7:40 P 2 nnw palatine cook IL
widespread tree and powerline damage caused by straight-line winds observed in palatine... especially on the northwest side of the village... where a deck gazebo was de (lot)

02/27/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
02/27/2024 7:39 P 65 mph 1 wnw rolling meadows cook IL
private weather station kilpalat92 reported a 65 mph gust near palatine. (lot)
02/27/2024 7:39 P 65 mph 1 wnw rolling meadows cook IL
private weather station kilpalat92 reported a 65 mph gust near palatine. (lot)

02/27/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
02/27/2024 7:37 P 2 sw inverness cook IL
damage to roof of house and gazebo near freeman road and huntington boulevard in hoffman estates. possible tornado. time estimated by radar. (lot)
02/27/2024 7:37 P 2 sw inverness cook IL
damage to roof of house and gazebo near freeman road and huntington boulevard in hoffman estates. possible tornado. time estimated by radar. (lot)
02/27/2024 7:37 P 1 s inverness cook IL
widespread tree and powerline damage caused by straight-line winds observed in northern hoffman estates and inverness. (lot)

02/27/2024 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
02/27/2024 7:55 P 1 e mundelein lake IL
*** 1 inj *** an nws damage survey confirmed that a brief ef-1 tornado with estimated peak winds of 110 mph impacted mundelein... where it removed a portion of an apart (lot)

02/27/2024 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
02/27/2024 7:36 P 1 sw inverness cook IL
report of a possible tornado north of i-90 in schaumburg. time estimated by radar. (lot)
02/27/2024 7:36 P 1 sw inverness cook IL
report of a possible tornado north of i-90 in schaumburg. time estimated by radar. (lot)
02/27/2024 7:36 P 2 ene south barrington cook IL
an nws damage survey confirmed that an ef-1 tornado with estimated peak winds of 90 mph... a path length of 0.4 miles... and a maximum width of 100 yards impacted the n (lot)

02/27/2024 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
02/27/2024 7:33 P 1 s south barrington cook IL
an nws damage survey confirmed that an ef-0 tornado with estimated peak winds of 85 mph... a path length of 1.1 miles... and a maximum width of 105 yards impacted south (lot)

02/27/2024 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
02/27/2024 7:32 P 1 wnw hoffman estates cook IL
an nws damage survey confirmed that an ef-0 tornado with estimated peak winds of 80 mph... a path length of 0.7 miles... and a maximum width of 100 yards impacted hoffm (lot)

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Last Updated {ts '2024-04-27 05:38:10'}