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1 HAIL REPORTS in 2024
1.00 LARGEST HAIL in 2024
1HAIL RISK SCOREHaubstadt, Indiana

All Hail Reports near Haubstadt, Indiana in 2024

Haubstadt 2024 Hail Summary

Haubstadt, Indiana (population: 1577) had 1 hail reports within 10 miles of the city center located at (38.20504, -87.57419) in 2024. The largest report of hail in 2024 near Haubstadt was 1.00 inches about a week ago. The zipcode with the highest number of damaging hail reports near Haubstadt in 2024 is 47725, with 1 reports.

When is the last time it hailed near Haubstadt, Indiana?

The last time that hail was reported near Haubstadt was about a week ago on 04/18/2024.
Click here to view all hail reports near Haubstadt on 04/18/2024.

Years where hail was reported near Haubstadt, Indiana

A few other cities and towns near Haubstadt that may also have damaging hail reports:


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Click here to view all hail reports near Haubstadt, Indiana in 2024.


Click here to view all wind reports near Haubstadt, Indiana in 2024.


Click here to view all tornado reports near Haubstadt, Indiana in 2024.

04/18/2024 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 04/18/2024 9:22 P 1.00 inches evansville vanderburgh IN

04/02/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/02/2024 6:03 A elberfeld warrick IN
2 semis blown of the road near the intersection of i-69 and i-64. (pah)
04/02/2024 6:03 A elberfeld warrick IN
2 semis blown of the road near the intersection of i-69 and i-64. (pah)

04/02/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/02/2024 6:00 A 5 nne melody hill vanderburgh IN
billboard damaged at hwy 57 and i-69 exit. (pah)

04/02/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/02/2024 5:55 A 2 e darmstadt vanderburgh IN
extensive and severe tree damage. several tall poplar trees snapped. some nearby trees fell onto homes. possible tornado. (pah)
04/02/2024 5:55 A 2 e darmstadt vanderburgh IN
extensive and severe tree damage. several tall poplar trees snapped. some nearby trees fell onto homes. possible tornado. (pah)

04/02/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/02/2024 5:54 A 1 sse darmstadt vanderburgh IN
ham radio operator/trained spotter reports power pole down... several trees topped and 3 trees uprooted. (pah)

04/02/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/02/2024 5:53 A 3 n darmstadt vanderburgh IN
corrects previous tornado report from 3 n darmstadt. several trees uprooted. roof to a garage and home damaged. pole barn severely damage. possible tornado. (pah)
04/02/2024 5:53 A 3 n darmstadt vanderburgh IN
corrects previous tornado report from 3 n darmstadt. several trees uprooted. roof to a garage and home damaged. pole barn severely damage. possible tornado. (pah)

04/02/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/02/2024 5:49 A 3 w darmstadt vanderburgh IN
several evergreen trees down across a wide area. additional trees with large limbs down. power lines down. (pah)
04/02/2024 5:49 A 3 w darmstadt vanderburgh IN
several evergreen trees down across a wide area. additional trees with large limbs down. power lines down. (pah)
04/02/2024 5:49 A 4 se cynthiana vanderburgh IN
corrects previous tornado report from 4 se cynthiana. severe damage to a house. possible tornado. (pah)
04/02/2024 5:49 A 4 se cynthiana vanderburgh IN
corrects previous tornado report from 4 se cynthiana. severe damage to a house. possible tornado. (pah)

04/02/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
04/02/2024 5:47 A 5 s cynthiana posey IN
severe roof damage to a house. house is not habitable. possible tornado. (pah)
04/02/2024 5:47 A 5 s cynthiana posey IN
severe roof damage to a house. house is not habitable. possible tornado. (pah)

04/02/2024 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
04/02/2024 5:47 P 5 s cynthiana posey IN
ef-2 tornado. this tornado started in far eastern posey county just northwest of st wendel. it then moved east southeast across the entire width of vanderburgh county b (pah)
04/02/2024 5:47 P 5 s cynthiana posey IN
ef-2 tornado. this tornado started in far eastern posey county just northwest of st wendel. it then moved east southeast across the entire width of vanderburgh county b (pah)

04/02/2024 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
04/02/2024 5:58 A 3 w elberfeld vanderburgh IN
ef-1 tornado. one home suffered minor roof damage. several outbuildings were damaged or destroyed. dozens of trees were snapped or uprooted. tornado touched down just s (pah)

04/02/2024 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
04/02/2024 5:54 A 2 s haubstadt gibson IN
ef-1 tornado. dozens of trees were snapped or uprooted. several outbuildings were damaged or destroyed. minor to moderate damage to a few homes. this path started along (pah)
04/02/2024 5:54 A 2 s haubstadt gibson IN
ef-1 tornado. dozens of trees were snapped or uprooted. several outbuildings were damaged or destroyed. minor to moderate damage to a few homes. this path started along (pah)

04/02/2024 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
04/02/2024 5:53 A 3 n darmstadt vanderburgh IN
several trees uprooted. roof to a garage and home damaged. pole barn severely damage. possible tornado. (pah)
04/02/2024 5:53 A 3 n darmstadt vanderburgh IN
several trees uprooted. roof to a garage and home damaged. pole barn severely damage. possible tornado. (pah)

04/02/2024 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
04/02/2024 5:49 A 4 se cynthiana vanderburgh IN
severe damage to a house. possible tornado. (pah)

04/02/2024 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
04/02/2024 5:48 A 3 se cynthiana vanderburgh IN
ef-2 tornado. hundreds of trees were snapped or uprooted. dozens of outbuildings were damaged or destroyed. minor to moderate damage to several homes. electrical power (pah)
04/02/2024 5:48 A 3 se cynthiana vanderburgh IN
ef-2 tornado. hundreds of trees were snapped or uprooted. dozens of outbuildings were damaged or destroyed. minor to moderate damage to several homes. electrical power (pah)

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Last Updated {ts '2024-04-27 23:19:40'}