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0 HAIL REPORTS in 2024
0.00 LARGEST HAIL in 2024
0HAIL RISK SCOREArroyo Grande, California

All Hail Reports near Arroyo Grande, California in 2024

Arroyo Grande 2024 Hail Summary

Arroyo Grande, California (population: 17252) had 0 hail reports within 10 miles of the city center located at (35.11859, -120.59073) in 2024. The largest report of hail in 2024 near Arroyo Grande was 0.00 inches

Years where hail was reported near Arroyo Grande, California

A few other cities and towns near Arroyo Grande that may also have damaging hail reports:


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Click here to view all wind reports near Arroyo Grande, California in 2024.


Click here to view all tornado reports near Arroyo Grande, California in 2024.
2024 HAIL REPORTS NEAR ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA No reports of hail activity found within 10 miles of Arroyo Grande, California in 2024

02/07/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
02/07/2024 6:16 P 3 sse san luis obispo san luis obispo CA
power lines down on 4300 block of old santa fe rd due to convective line. (lox)
02/07/2024 6:16 P 3 sse san luis obispo san luis obispo CA
power lines down on 4300 block of old santa fe rd due to convective line. (lox)

02/07/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
02/07/2024 6:08 P 2 ene arroyo grande san luis obispo CA
power pole down on huasna rd near lopez dr with convective line. (lox)
02/07/2024 6:08 P 2 ene arroyo grande san luis obispo CA
power pole down on huasna rd near lopez dr with convective line. (lox)

02/07/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
02/07/2024 6:05 P arroyo grande san luis obispo CA
corrects previous non-tstm wnd dmg report from arroyo grande. two large trees down on highway 101 near brisco rd due to convective line. (lox)
02/07/2024 6:05 P arroyo grande san luis obispo CA
corrects previous non-tstm wnd dmg report from arroyo grande. two large trees down on highway 101 near brisco rd due to convective line. (lox)
02/07/2024 6:05 P 1 ne arroyo grande san luis obispo CA
multiple power lines down at tally ho rd and canyon way in arroyo grande. (lox)
02/07/2024 6:05 P 1 ne arroyo grande san luis obispo CA
multiple power lines down at tally ho rd and canyon way in arroyo grande. (lox)

02/07/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
02/07/2024 6:00 P 2 se pismo beach san luis obispo CA
trees down and facade damage to building near 14th st and grand ave in grover beach. (lox)
02/07/2024 6:00 P 2 se pismo beach san luis obispo CA
trees down and facade damage to building near 14th st and grand ave in grover beach. (lox)
02/07/2024 6:00 P 1 sse pismo beach san luis obispo CA
multiple trees and power lines down in grover beach near rockaway and 9th st in grover beach. several vehicles damaged. (lox)
02/07/2024 6:00 P 1 sse pismo beach san luis obispo CA
multiple trees and power lines down in grover beach near rockaway and 9th st in grover beach. several vehicles damaged. (lox)

02/07/2024 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
02/07/2024 5:57 P 1 s pismo beach san luis obispo CA
corrects previous tstm wnd dmg report from 1 s pismo beach. narrow path of wind damage in grover beach with convective band. (lox)
02/07/2024 5:57 P 1 s pismo beach san luis obispo CA
corrects previous tstm wnd dmg report from 1 s pismo beach. narrow path of wind damage in grover beach with convective band. (lox)

02/07/2024 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
02/07/2024 5:57 P 1 sse pismo beach san luis obispo CA
ef1 tornado. estimated peak wind 95 mph. path length 1 mile. path width /maximum/ 50 yards. a mesovortex embedded within a linear convective segment quickly contracted (lox)
02/07/2024 5:57 P 1 sse pismo beach san luis obispo CA
ef1 tornado. estimated peak wind 95 mph. path length 1 mile. path width /maximum/ 50 yards. a mesovortex embedded within a linear convective segment quickly contracted (lox)

02/07/2024 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
02/07/2024 5:56 P 1 sse pismo beach san luis obispo CA
ef1 tornado. estimated peak wind 95 mph. path length 3 miles. path width / maximum / 50 yards. a mesovortex embedded within a linear convective segment quickly contract (lox)
02/07/2024 5:56 P 1 sse pismo beach san luis obispo CA
ef1 tornado. estimated peak wind 95 mph. path length 3 miles. path width / maximum / 50 yards. a mesovortex embedded within a linear convective segment quickly contract (lox)

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Last Updated {ts '2024-04-27 13:09:48'}