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1 HAIL REPORTS in 2021
1.00 LARGEST HAIL in 2021
1HAIL RISK SCOREMount Arlington, New Jersey

All Hail Reports near Mount Arlington, New Jersey in 2021

Mount Arlington 2021 Hail Summary

Mount Arlington, New Jersey (population: 5050) had 1 hail reports within 10 miles of the city center located at (40.92593, -74.63488) in 2021. The largest report of hail in 2021 near Mount Arlington was 1.00 inches about 2 years ago. The zipcode with the highest number of damaging hail reports near Mount Arlington in 2021 is 7852, with 1 reports.

When is the last time it hailed near Mount Arlington, New Jersey?

The last time that hail was reported near Mount Arlington was about 7 months ago on 09/09/2023.
Click here to view all hail reports near Mount Arlington on 09/09/2023.

Years where hail was reported near Mount Arlington, New Jersey

A few other cities and towns near Mount Arlington that may also have damaging hail reports:


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Click here to view all hail reports near Mount Arlington, New Jersey in 2021.


Click here to view all wind reports near Mount Arlington, New Jersey in 2021.


Click here to view all tornado reports near Mount Arlington, New Jersey in 2021.

11/13/2021 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 11/13/2021 11:47 A 1.00 inches ledgewood morris NJ
mostly dime size with some up to quarter size. (phi)

09/23/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
09/23/2021 3:39 P 2 wnw boonton twp morris NJ
downed tree and wires on farber hill road. time based on radar. (phi)

09/13/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
09/13/2021 8:47 P 1 n budd lake morris NJ
downed pole and downed wires on us 46 eastbound area of cr 667/mt. olive rd (mount olive twp). all lanes closed. (phi)

08/19/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/19/2021 1:40 A 1 nw rockaway morris NJ
photos of several trees down in roadways and in power lines along katherine and reservoir roads. damage may be tornadic based on radar signatures. time estimated from r (phi)

08/19/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/19/2021 1:36 A 1 nw rockaway morris NJ
large tree snapped on mount hope rd. time estimated from radar. (phi)

08/11/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/11/2021 6:25 P randolph morris NJ
several downed tree and wire calls in and near randolph. time estimated from radar. (phi)
08/11/2021 6:25 P 1 nw randolph morris NJ
downed wires on nj 10 eastbound near dover chester road. time estimated from radar. (phi)
08/11/2021 6:25 P 1 nw randolph morris NJ
wires were downed on nj-10 eastbound near dover chester rd... with lane restrictions. time estimated from radar. (phi)

08/11/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
08/11/2021 6:05 P 1 ne hackettstown warren NJ
multiple trees snapped and wires blown down near the intersection of bilby road and willow grove street. time estimated from radar. (phi)

07/12/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/12/2021 5:44 P 1 ene lake mohawk sussex NJ
downed trees and wires near springbrook trail. time estimated from radar. (phi)

07/08/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/08/2021 4:50 P 1 ssw flanders morris NJ
trees down on wires... resulting in power outages near chester township. (phi)

07/06/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/06/2021 5:00 P rockaway morris NJ
multiple trees down... corrected to indicate damage was from thunderstorm. (phi)

07/06/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/06/2021 4:50 P jefferson twp morris NJ
photo of branch down in yard on social media. time estimated from radar. (phi)
07/06/2021 4:50 P jefferson twp morris NJ
trees and wires down. north beach road closed due to downed utility pole. brady road from north cherry to espanong road closed due to down tree / lines. time estimated (phi)

07/06/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/06/2021 4:45 P sparta sussex NJ
trees and wires... power poles down. time estimated from radar. (phi)

07/02/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/02/2021 6:22 P 2 se allamuchy-panther warren NJ
tree or limbs down into wires on waterloo rd. time estimated from radar. (phi)

06/14/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/14/2021 5:35 P 1 s andover sussex NJ
downed trees and wires near tranquility road. time estimated from radar. (phi)

06/04/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
06/04/2021 1:57 P 1 e milton morris NJ
large tree and wires down on a house on dover milton rd. fire department report relayed by an amateur radio operator. time estimated from radar. (phi)

05/26/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
05/26/2021 5:29 P 1 wsw fox hill morris NJ
downed tree limbs and wires near park road. time estimated from radar. (phi)

05/26/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
05/26/2021 5:17 P 1 nw brookside morris NJ
downed tree limbs and wires near woodland road. time estimated from radar. (phi)

08/19/2021 Tornado Reports

Date Location County State
08/19/2021 1:38 A 1 w rockaway morris NJ
ef0 with estimated peak winds up to 85 mph. another velocity couplet formed in morris county early in the morning of august 19th in association with thunderstorms as th (phi)

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Last Updated {ts '2024-04-25 18:41:06'}