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1 HAIL REPORTS in 2021
1.00 LARGEST HAIL in 2021
2HAIL RISK SCOREApalachin, New York

All Hail Reports near Apalachin, New York in 2021

Apalachin 2021 Hail Summary

Apalachin, New York (population: 1131) had 1 hail reports within 10 miles of the city center located at (42.06952, -76.15465) in 2021. The largest report of hail in 2021 near Apalachin was 1.00 inches about 2 years ago. The zipcode with the highest number of damaging hail reports near Apalachin in 2021 is 13737, with 1 reports.

When is the last time it hailed near Apalachin, New York?

The last time that hail was reported near Apalachin was about 8 months ago on 08/04/2023.
Click here to view all hail reports near Apalachin on 08/04/2023.

Years where hail was reported near Apalachin, New York

A few other cities and towns near Apalachin that may also have damaging hail reports:


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Click here to view all hail reports near Apalachin, New York in 2021.


Click here to view all wind reports near Apalachin, New York in 2021.


Click here to view all tornado reports near Apalachin, New York in 2021.

07/07/2021 Hail Reports

Date Size City County State
Details 07/07/2021 9:11 P 1.00 inches bible school park broome NY
report from mping: quarter (1.00 in.). (bgm)

12/02/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
12/02/2021 5:00 P vestal center broome NY
pictures shared on social media show a fairly large and healthy tree was snapped in half. (bgm)

07/27/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/27/2021 2:45 P 1 sse vestal broome NY
tree down on road. time estimated by radar. (bgm)
07/27/2021 2:45 P 1 s vestal broome NY
tree down. time estimated by radar. (bgm)

07/20/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/20/2021 8:05 P 1 se apalachin tioga NY
tree down on wires. time estimated by radar. (bgm)

07/17/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/17/2021 5:45 P 3 ssw vestal center broome NY
tree and wires down. time estimated by radar. (bgm)

07/17/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/17/2021 5:30 P little meadows susquehanna PA
multiple trees down. (bgm)

07/13/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/13/2021 8:42 P owego tioga NY
thunderstorm winds snapped two utility poles. (bgm)

07/09/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/09/2021 3:03 P 1 wnw vestal center broome NY
wires down across costely rd. (bgm)

07/07/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/07/2021 9:00 P 1 sw west corners broome NY
tree down on carl road. (bgm)

07/07/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/07/2021 8:55 P owego tioga NY
tree down on vehicle. other trees and wires down. (bgm)
07/07/2021 8:55 P 2 sse vestal center broome NY
tree down on car south of vestal center near state border. pic sent to nws on social media. radar estimated time. (bgm)
07/07/2021 8:55 P endicott broome NY
large tree down in backyard. reported to nws by homeowner. radar estimated time. (bgm)
07/07/2021 8:55 P 1 ese west corners broome NY
roof partially peeled off and awning damage at the 100 block of odell ave in the little italy section of endicott. time estimated by radar. (bgm)

07/07/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/07/2021 8:53 P 2 sw vestal broome NY
tree down blocking echo road. (bgm)

07/07/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/07/2021 8:50 P tioga terrace tioga NY
tree down on vehicle with vehicle on fire. trees and lines down. report via social media. radar estimated time. (bgm)
07/07/2021 8:50 P campville tioga NY
garage heavily damaged. vehicle crushed. pic reported to broadcast media... sent to nws. radar estimated time. (bgm)

07/07/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/07/2021 8:48 P 2 s apalachin tioga NY
multiple trees and wires down... blocking roads on south side of apalachin. reported to nws via social media. radar estimated time. (bgm)
07/07/2021 8:48 P 92 mph south apalachin tioga NY
measured with kestrel anemometer. 1393 feet elevation on lillie hill road. trunk snaps halfway up trees; numerous roads blocked by trees and wires. radar estimated time (bgm)
07/07/2021 8:48 P 92 mph 1 ssw tioga terrace tioga NY
update to previous tstm wnd gst report from 1 ssw tioga terrace. measured with kestrel anemometer. 1393 feet elevation on lillie hill road. trunk snaps halfway up trees (bgm)
07/07/2021 8:48 P 1 nnw tioga terrace tioga NY
commercial lighted sign knocked down/destroyed at visions credit union on ny-434. (bgm)

07/06/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/06/2021 2:16 P endwell broome NY
spotter reported tops of trees snapped on smith dr in endicott. (bgm)

07/06/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/06/2021 2:15 P 1 nnw vestal broome NY
tree down on wires. time estimated by radar. (bgm)
07/06/2021 2:15 P 1 w endwell broome NY
tree down on power lines. time estimated by radar. (bgm)
07/06/2021 2:15 P 1 wnw endwell broome NY
tree down. time estimated by radar. (bgm)
07/06/2021 2:15 P 1 ne vestal broome NY
1st ave. large trunk and several branches down. radar estimated time. pics sent to broadcast media. (bgm)

07/06/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/06/2021 2:13 P 2 wnw west corners broome NY
tree down. time estimated by radar. (bgm)

07/06/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
07/06/2021 2:10 P 1 nw endwell broome NY
thunderstorm knocked down a large tree in yard taking out a chain link fence surrounding pool and part of wooden fence surrounding yard. pictures sent via facebook. (bgm)
07/06/2021 2:10 P 1 wsw endicott broome NY
thunderstorm winds snapped a large tree branch into a yard damaging shingles on shed roof. (bgm)
07/06/2021 2:10 P union center broome NY
trees and numerous large branches down. pics sent to broadcast media. (bgm)

05/26/2021 Wind Reports

Date Speed City County State
05/26/2021 2:06 P 2 se maine broome NY
tree down on powerline on fredericks road. (bgm)
2021 TORNADO REPORTS NEAR APALACHIN, NEW YORK No Reports of tornado activity found within 10 miles of Apalachin, New York in 2021

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Last Updated {ts '2024-04-19 17:43:14'}